Charpter ll

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Chapter ll

6 shots, 3 beers and a questionable cocktail later I was more than tipsy.

Mia and Ben went of to dance about half an hour ago and Freya and Mason had gone off somewhere doing god knows what after their first beer so therefore I was left to fend for myself. I just sat at the kitchen island watching Ben and Mia dance and getting closer with every dance move. It still baffles me that after 3 years Ben still hasn't asked her out but I guess he will do it in his own time.

I got up and headed to the drinks table and got myself a vodka and coke it was stronger than I wanted but I wanted to get drunk and hopefully find myself someone to go home with so I didn't care. I felt a light tap on my left shoulder so I turned around and as soon as I did I came face to face with the one and only Jack grealish. His hair was slicked back like always and he wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a white off white T-shirt. His aftershave surrounded me and the smirk he wore on his face told me he was up to something.

"Grealish how nice of you to finally turn up" I slur as I take another sip of my drink.

"You know me chilwell always fashionably late" he says still smirking. God that smirk is to die for. I have always thought that Jack was good looking but my brother said not to go there with Jack and he made that very clear from the beginning.

"I agree just not with the fashionably part" I teased. Me and Jack have that friendship where we just like to make fun of each other.

"I can't say that didn't just hurt I have a great taste in fashion, what are you drink then" he says while take the drink out of my hand and take and big gulp, his face immediately scrunches up "shit Grace thats fucking strong are you trying to get black out drunk or something"

"That's the plan Jack, want to join?" I smirk at him only because I know his answer.

"Yeah sure, where are the others anyway?" he say as I turn round to get us 6 shots.

"Mia and Ben are on the dance floor and Freya and Mason went off somewhere" I walked over to the island and put the shots down and sit he does the same.

"Holy shit your not going to believe what is happening on the dance floor!" he practically yells. So I turn around and to my surprise I see Mia and Ben making out in the middle of the dance floor. "It's about time that boy has had a thing for her since they met"

"I think I am going to throw up and I don't know if that is because of what I have just seen or because of the amount of alcohol I have consumed in the last half an hour" I turned back around and me and Jack both did a shot.

"You know freya and Mason are probably doing the same thing right just in Masons car" he said shaking his head.

"Jack I didn't need that image in my head"

"What, it true and you know it" I mean he's not wrong. I hear footsteps approaching behind me and Jack gestures for me to look behind me so I do. I see Mia and Ben hand in hand walking up to me and Jack and I know exactly where this is going.

"We are going to head out so I will see you tomorrow sis depending on your hangover?" Ben says with the biggest grin on his face.
I knew it they are definitely going back to his place to fuck and that just gross.

"Yeah ok see you tomorrow then both of you" I say with a plastered smile on my face.

"You sure, how are you going to get home?" Mia asked concerned. She has a point.

"I'll take her don't worry about it" Jack buts in.

"Ok then I will see you tomorrow, enjoy your night you two" Ben says before I can object and the both started to walk away.

"You too, oh yeah and use protection I don't what to be and auntie just yet !" I shouted they both turned round and put their middle fingers up at me. I laughed and so did Jack.

"Thanks for offering to take me home you didn't have to you know" I said while smiling.

"It's not a problem darling" he winked at me and I could feel my cheeks heating up because of the nickname he just gave me. "So what do you say to a dance then grace" he says with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I say I will have to finish my shots before I have to be seen with you and your shit dance moves" I say and he gasps, clutching his heart as if it hurt him. I down my other two shots and his other two because he is driving us back and we get up and he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the makeshift dance floor.

We danced, laughed (mainly at Jacks dance moves) and he twirled me around the night was perfect and then the song DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love came on (you should play the song if you want) and the space between us got small and the air became hotter and thicker around us. Jack put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck my hips swayed to the beat of the music and my finger playing with the hair at the back of Jacks neck and our faces inched close with every beat of the song. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes that were deeper than usual and he looked into mine then I heard him whisper under his breath quietly "you look beautiful tonight" and before I had time to respond he pressed his soft lip into mine and I immediately kissed back.


Hi again I just wanted to let you know that this is set before Jack got signed to city but it will be mentioned towards the end of the book thanks for read don't forget to comment and vote :)

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now