Chapter XXlll

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Chapter XXlll

Me and Jack are on our way to the local Tesco to get more alcohol and food for the party. Thank god I left all my makeup, hair products and outfits for the party at Jack house last night. It makes things a lot easier.

"So how did you get to the stadium?" Jack asked. He's really not going to like this answer.

"Mmmm Justin dropped me off" I say turning my head in Jacks direction. I notice that as soon as I said his name Jack clenched his jaw and gripped the steering wheel that tight that his knuckles turned white.

"He what? Why is he even in Birmingham? Why did he give you a lift?" God I didn't realize it bothered him that much.

"He was the photographer for the photo shoot I did with Zara today. I was stuck in traffic trying to get to the game and he said I should go home so that he could come and pick me up so he could get me there faster since he bought his motorbike down with him and he did if he didn't I would have missed the first 20 minutes of your match" I say nervously. I know how much Jack hates Justin. He's not threatened by him. I mean who would be it's only Justin, sure he's cute and all but he is way too annoying.

"Okay, I guess that's nice of him but I still don't like the fact that you were on his motorbike, they are dangerous" he says shaking his head.

"Your one to talk, you used to have one" I say. Jack is so hypocritical I swear.

"Yeah used to, I got rid of it after the accident, why do you think I never gave your a ride on it" about 6 years ago Jack got into a pretty bad motorbike accident causing Jack to end up in the hospital for 3 weeks with a concussion, broken ribs and a bunch of cuts and bruises after the accident it took him 2 months to make a full recovery and even after that he was benched for about 3 months after. In that time period Jack was doing terribly due to the accident not just hurting him physically but mentally as well. He didn't sleep he didn't eat and he only spoke when absolutely necessary. It took him 3 weeks after getting out of hospital for him to go on the motorway without having his eyes shut the whole time and it took him even longer for him to face driving again he was terrified. And to this day I have never seen Jack in a worse place than he was then. So when Jack got back on his feet and playing football he sold his bike and got a car instead.

"You will be glad to know I was wearing a helmet then" I said smile at him. "Oh and one last thing, before Justin goes back to London we are going to grab a coffee together and look at the photos he took" I say still looking at Jack, trying to find his reaction to the statement I just made. Instead of reacting he stayed emotionless. After a while he sighed and shook his head.

"Ok sure, it's your life I can't tell you what to do with it but if he tries anything-" I interrupt Jack before he goes off on one.

"Yes I know you will hunt him down and beat his ass but Justin is to scared of you to even think about trying anything so don't worry" I say smiling at him.

We get to Tesco. Me and Jack hopped out the car with baseball hats on so that people don't recognize us and as we walk to the entrance Jack grabs a shopping cart. We head straight to the alcohol.

"So what do we need" I ask. Jack takes a minute to think.

"Beer, vodka, wine, Tequila, cider and stuff to mix it with oh and drinks for people who don't drink alcohol" he lists.

"Sounds good, one question though how are you going to pay for all of this" I ask a genuine question. He just looks at me like I am dumb, he then chuckles.

"I'm rich baby" he smirks. I bite my bottom lip and roll my eyes playfully.

It takes us 2 hours in Tesco. Turns out we needed another shopping cart for food cups and plates. When we got to Jacks. Mia, Ben, Mason, Freya, Tyrone and Declan were waiting on Jacks drive to get in his house to help set up. When everything was moved from Jacks car to his kitchen the other insisted that me and Jack go and get ready for the party since everyone was meant to be here in an hour. I took my makeup off from my shoot and jump in the shower. Once I was out I dried myself off and put on one of Jacks zip up hoodies, I dried my wet hair and then straightened it. I did my makeup which consisted of black winged eyeliner and red lipstick. As I was applying my red lipstick Jack walked into the bathroom and stopped to look at me. A smirk rose on his face.

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now