Chapter Xll

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Chapter Xll

It's been a week since the Chelsea game and I miss Jack. We FaceTime everyday but it's not like being with him I wish I could see him. Me, Mia and Ben have been packing up the house getting ready to move to Birmingham. we have been doing it every night since the game and we just have the kitchen left, thank god. All three of us are going to Freya's to help her pack since she hasn't even started and we leave for the new house tomorrow. She has been a mess since her break up with Mason. She goes out of a night, gets drunk, gets an Uber to mine and Mias house, knocks on our door in tears and ends up crashing in the guest room this has happened 5 nights in a row. So we decided to have a night just the 5 of us. I say 5 because Jack is supposed to be here but he is running late from training. He is helping us move down to Birmingham tomorrow morning so we need all the help we can get to get Freya packed.

Ben comes to pick me and Mia up and take us to Freya's. When we get there we knock on her apartment door and wait for her to answer it.

"How is she doing?" Ben asks in a concerned tone.

"She's not the best, I have never seen her like this before" I say and Mia agrees. A couple of seconds later Freya opens the door. She looks terrible. She has red bloodshot eyes her hair, in a messy bun and she is wearing one of Masons shirts. I don't know what to do. In all the time I have known her I have never seen her like this she is always bubbly and happy but I think Mason really broke her.

"Hi" Freya says in a sad tone. I give her a sympathetic smile and give her a hug and walk into her apartment.

*time skip

We have been here for about 7 hours now trying to pack up Freya's apartment but we don't think we are going to get it done before the end of the night so we have enlisted the help of Kai Havertz and Jack bought Tyrone Mings a long because he offered to help. We only have the living room and the kitchen to pack up but it is going to be hard since they are the two biggest rooms in her apartment but we can get it done, well I hope. Freya, Ben, Mia and Kai are all hands on in the kitchen which leaves me Tyrone and Jack to do the living room. I haven't seen Tyrone in ages last time I saw him I am pretty sure he didn't have dreads and that was ages ago.

"So who have you missed more me or Jack?" Tyrone asks.

"Oh 100% you T, I don't need Jack over there" I say sarcastically.

"Oi, I heard that, don't act like you can live without me" Jack says while putting photos into a box.

"I don't know what your talking about, I can't stand you" I say "he's too smelly" I whisper to T.

"Again I heard that" before I had time to even laugh Jack comes up behind me and slings me up onto his shoulder and spins around.

"Jack Peter Grealish put me down right the hell now" I giggled.

"Take it back" Jack says.

"What, take what back?" I continue to giggle.

"One that you missed T more than me and two that I smell"

"I take it back I take it back!" I said and Jack eventually put me down. "I missed you more"I mouthed to T and he chuckle.

"You guys make me sick" T says in discussed. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Your such a child" he rolls his eyes playfully.

"I am guessing you know then" I point out while I continue to pack away the living room.

"Yep and when I found out I beat Jack with me shoe for not telling me sooner" T said, I laughed. "He also told me about your brother and your secret safe with me Grace"

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now