Chapter Vlll

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Chapter Vlll

My eyes flutter open to notice I am in my room. How did I get here? I suddenly felt the weight of someone's arms around my waist I slowly turn around and come face to face with a sleeping Jack Grealish. He is smiling in his sleep which is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I turn back around and grab my phone off the bedside table and scroll through my social media for a bit before deciding that I should probably get up. I pull the covers off me and then make my way downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to find Mia and Ben cooking breakfast.

"Good morning sleepyhead" my brother says with a smile on his face. Ben has always been a morning person where as I actually like to sleep.

"Morning, what time is it?" I ask in a sleepy tone.

"It's 11. I can't blame you for sleeping in we did stay up quite late" Mia smiled at me.

"Ben did you stay last night?" I asked.

"Yeah I did, you feel asleep on the sofa before any of that was decided though"

"Right, and how did I get upstairs exactly?"

"Well we were going to wake you up but Jack insisted that he take you up to your room since he was going up to bed anyway" Mia explained.

"Oh ok and aren't you supposed to be at training?" I asked Ben.

"Not for another 30 minutes but then I won't see you until the game and remember Grace it may start at 8 but be there for 6 you have the tickets right?"

"Yep they are on the counter we are all in the family section right?"

"Yep like usual and I bought you two both one of my old football shirt for you to wear"

"Thanks" me and Mia said at the same time.

"I am going to check if Jack is awake" I say to the couple and I exist the kitchen and grab on of Ben's football shirts. I open my bedroom door to find that Jack is still in the same place I left him. So I get back in bed and play with his hair. He starts to stir a bit before he opens his eyes and smiles directly at me. "Morning you" I say with a smile on my face.

"Good morning darling" he says with a raspy morning voice.

"You know you have to get up eventually"

"But I would rather stay in bed with you"

"As lovely as that sounds we can't Ben is downstairs and if he found us like this he would freak so get your lazy ass up"

"Ok ok if you say so" he gets up out of the bed and start to walk to the door. I can't help but notice that he is only wearing boxers and how defined his abs are. Wow Jack is really fit how much does he go to the gym? He opens the door and says "take a picture it'll last longer" he winks and then leaves the room. I get up and decide to get ready for the day, even though I am going to have to change my outfit later for the match, I don't bother putting makeup on since I will have to do it again later. I make my way downstairs to see that Jack is in gym clothes.
"Where are you off to?" I ask.

"Well the deal I made with the gaffer is that if I was to come here and miss training then I would have to do 7 miles of running in the morning and a workout when I come back so I am about to go out on a run if you want to come with me?"

"Mmmm no I think i will pass but do you need anything ready for when you get back?"

"No I should be ok I am only going to do abs when I come back so I will see you in a bit yeah" I nodded he said a quick goodbye and kissed me on the head and I watched him leave.

"What was that about?" a voice made me jump. I quickly turned to find my brother standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"What was what about" I play dumb.

"Grace don't play dumb" shit cover blown.

"I'm not I just don't know what you mean"

"The kiss on your head that's something I would do with Mia and"

"Ben it's nothing just drop it" I interrupted.

"You know what I have said about him, Grace, he is a player"

"Ben I said drop it there is nothing going on between me and Jack, Jesus Christ" I say in a more than angry tone and shake my head and walk off. I hear him say goodbye to Mia and then shut the front door. Thank god I can't deal with it him grilling me. Mia then comes and sits next to me on the sofa.

"You know he means well he just doesn't want you to get hurt"

"I know, I just don't know why he doesn't trust Jack" I sigh.

"Well maybe because Jack hasn't had a serious relationship before and that worries him. I don't know but he will have his reasons and Jack is his best friend and if things go bad then he will obviously choose your side and not his anyway enough of this let's watch friends for a bit" we go on laughing at friends for about 40 minutes until Mia said she has to go out and do some shopping with Freya so I decided to make some cookies.

I put on some music and started putting flour in a bowl as I am stirring the ingredients together I am singing along to the songs that are playing through my speaker.

"Nice singing" I screamed and spilled some of the flour onto the kitchen counter. I turn and see Jack dying of laughter and sitting on the opposite kitchen counter.

"Oh you think that was funny" I pick up a handful of flour and throw it in his face he soon stoped laughing and his eyes turned dark yet playful. He got off the kitchen counter and grabbed the nearest bag of flour and through some back at me.
"Oh Grealish you are so dead!" I shout and run around the kitchen trying to throw flour in his face. He comes to a stop and turns around and dumbs the whole bag of flour on my head and then runs to the other end of the kitchen. My jaw drops.
"Jack Peter Grealish!"
I am able to make my way towards him and pour my bag of flour down his back.

"Ok now that was uncalled for" he says facing me and trying to get the flour out of his back.

"Well it all in my hair so I would say we are even" I smile innocently. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and he starts to lean in and so do I. His lip crash into mine and they start to move against each other. At first the kiss is slow and passionate and then it starts to get really hot really fast. He turns me around and pushes me up against the kitchen counter. Our tongues both fight for dominance but of course he wins. Soft moans escape from my lips into Jacks mouth. I tug at Jacks hair earning some groans from him.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO MY KITCHEN" me and Jack quickly pull away and turn our heads to find Mia staring at the kitchen in shock.

This should be fun to explain.


Hey guys I have always wanted to have some sort of food fight with someone it just seems fun but I wouldn't want to clean up the mess. But maybe that is because I am lazy. Make sure to comment and vote :)

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin