Chapter XXlV

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Chapter XXlV

After Jack made his toast we all went on partying. I talk to some people from West Ham they all seemed like lovely people. One person I didn't think I would make really good friends with was Kepa. Sure we knew each other a bit through my brother but we are having a proper conversation. But drink after drink we became tipsy and now are conversations turned less serious.

"So what do you actually see in Jack.....because I pictured you with someone more like mount" he laughed in his Spanish accent.

"Well what's not to like" I slur.

"I know he's got a big dick hasn't he" the Chelsea player said in realization.

"I cannot confirm nor deny that" I laughed.

"Fair enough" he shrugged.

"What about you have a luck lady" I said.

"Ahhhh I used to......I am a single Pringle right now" he said sipping his beer.

"Don't worry man and nice girl will come along when you lest expect it" I say reassuring him. I then feel a hand on the top of my shoulder I look over and see Jack.

"Hey how you holding up love?" He said. He doesn't even look the slightest bit drunk. I am pretty sure he has drank way more than me.

"I am good thanks......definitely drunk I think it is water from here on out" I laughed. "How catching up with everyone?" I ask over the loud music.

"It's good. I forgot i invite phill I just saw him he said we should go up to Manchester and stay with him, his mrs and Ronnie in a couple weeks what do you think?" He asked.

"That sounds great" I smile.

"Well we are going to play beer pong if you want to join" he says.

"I don't know I will come over in a minute ok" I say. He says a quick ok and pecks my lips before walking over to the kitchen.

"If you guys don't get married then I will literally rip out my hair" he laughed.

"Woah calm down we have only been together for about 2 months" I laugh.

"I know but that is love right there" he says smiling. I return the same smile.

"So what you say to beer pong" I ask kepa.

"Sure sounds fun" he says getting up from the sofa. He then sticks out he hand to help me get up. I say thank you and we make our way to the kitchen where we find Jack, Ben Mason and Tyrone are setting up the table.

"Have you got room for two more?" I ask.

"Of course" Mason says.

"So how are we going to decide teams" Ben says.

"Easy......Chelsea vs Villa" T says. All the boy agree.

"Woah that automatically puts me on Villa" I say slightly offended.

"Yeah what's wrong with that" T question.

"Grace doesn't support Villa" Jack States.

"We actually don't know who she supports" Mason says. And there is a reason for that.

"Ok then if Chelsea win I will tell you all who I support and if we win then all three of you have to skip your next training session" I say.

"Ooooo this just got interesting" Mia said from the side lines.

"Deal?" I question holding out my hand for the three of the to shake. I know for a fact that if they all weren't drunk then they would have said no but they all shook my hand and we continue went on playing the game. We decided to go in alphabetical order so first two people play against each other was me and Ben. I know for a fact that Ben was way more drunk than I was so this should be an easy win. I took the first shot and it landed in the on of the cups. Ben took the ball out and drank the liquid. His face scrunched up from the taste. I took my second go but missed the cup I was aiming for. Ben took his and of course the ball lands in one of the cups. I drank the liquid I kept a straight face, acting like it didn't even affect me.

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now