Chapter XXVlll

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Chapter XXVlll

It's been 2 months since Mia went to the hospital. Her and Ben have been doing really well and so has the baby. They found a house in London and are planning to move in by the end of the month. To think that me, her and Freya only have a month left living together makes me sad. We only moved to Birmingham about 5 months ago but it's what is best for her and Ben so I need to respect that. Me and Jack have been doing very well we see each other when we can which is most of the time. In a couple of days I have to go up to Manchester to do a shoot for pretty little thing which I am excited for, it all works out pretty well because Jack has a game against city on the same day so we have decided that we will go up there together. Freya and Mason got officially back together a couple of weeks ago. They seem to be doing pretty well, they both just complain about the long distance.

I currently have the house to myself. Mia is down in London with Ben finishing some last minute things with the house and Freya is away with her family visiting some cousins. I have decided to be lazy and do nothing all day. I go into the kitchen get some Doritos and go sit on the sofa. I decided to watch Netflix but I am soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

I groan. I swear I will knock this person out. I dawdle towards the door, get my key and unlock the door. Confusion washes over my face.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" I question.

"Well I finished training and went home and realized I have nothing to do today so I thought we could go out" he said walking though the door and into the house.

"I'm not dressed though" I say looking down at my matching striped pajamas.

"Then go get dressed" he says giving my lips a quick peck and disappearing into the living room . I sigh and head up the stairs. I somehow only got dressed in 15 minutes. But by the time I got down stairs Jack was asleep on the sofa. So with my shoes in hand I bang them together and Jack soon shot awake.

"Had a nice nap did we" I say with a smirk on my face.

"There was absolutely no need for that" he said rubbing his eyes and then getting up off the sofa.

"Right I am ready" I say grabbing my coat and putting it on.

We walk out the door and to Jacks car. He politely opened the door and helped me in. He then got in himself and started driving off.

"So what is it we are doing today" I asked.

"I thought I would take you out to lunch and then later we can go out to the club with T and his girlfriend" he replied. I'm sorry did I just hear him correctly.

"Wait back up, T has a girlfriend?" This is new information. What the hell. Why didn't he tell me this.

"Yeah, he doesn't shut up about her" he laughed slightly.

"Have you met her yet?"

"No that is what tonight is for, she actually suggested it apparently she wants to meet us"

"That's nice I haven't met her and she already seems nice" I say. It was a short drive to the place where we were having lunch. The area seemed to be cut off from the rest of Birmingham but it was gorgeous. There were flowers on the walls and neon lights scattered here and there it was lovely.
We walked hand in hand to the front desk.

"Table for Grealish" the waiter nodded and showed us to our table.

"You had to call ahead?" I said to Jack as we sat down.

"Yes, it's hard to get in here but with a last name like Grealish it wasn't so bad" he winked. I giggled at his silliness. This place was busy to be fair.

We order and got served pretty fast. The food was absolutely amazing. Me and Jack didn't stop talking the whole time. He is a chatterbox.
"I got you a gift" he smiled at me.

"Jack your already paying for lunch you didn't have to get me anything" I hate when Jack spends money on me.

"I promise I didn't spend money on it, well I did but the was like years ago" he said smiling. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny silver key. He then gave it to me. It had a keyring of me and Jack attached to it.

"Is this the key to your heart" I laughed slightly.

"Close, but no it the spare key to my house. I figured it was the next step" he said. Jack quite literally made my heart melt.

"How long have you been planning this for" i said.

"About a month" he replied.

"Thank you Jack this is amazing"

"No problem darling"

"Hold on I think I have my spare key in my bag" I said going into my bag and finding the key and handing it to Jack.

"Thank you my love" he said putting the key on the rest of his keys. I did the same.
We ate dessert and Jack decided it would be a good idea to get new outfits for tonight.

"How about we pick out and outfit for each other to wear for tonight and then try it on to see if we like it but even if we don't like it we still have to wear it" I suggest which is probably a bad idea knowing Jack.

"Yeah that's a good idea, should we go off and meet back at the car in about an hour?" He suggested.

"Yeah sounds good" i said he then kissed me goodbye and we started to walk off. "Oh and Jack" i said, he turned round looking into my eyes. "Not too reveling" i said.

"No promises sweetheart" he said with a smirk and walked around the corner. Well this is going to be an experience.

I have an outfit in mind I want to put Jack in but I'm not sure if Jack will like it. But oh well.

I headed to Selfridges to seek out a white A bathing ape shirt. Luckily they had one in Jacks size. Next I went to Levi's to get some black jeans. Then I went to JD to get Jack more white Air Force ones because he mentioned that he somehow ripped a hole in his old ones. All was left now was the jacket. I went everywhere for a jacket but I ended up going to Calvin Klein and getting Jack a black denim jacket to tie off the look. I don't know how Jack is going to feel about it but I think he will look good. It had been about 45 minutes since me and Jack parted ways. I pull out my phone to text Jack saying I am finished with his outfit his outfit. He replied back saying he had one more thing to get and then he was done. So I make my was back to the car in peace.

"Oh my god your Grace Chilwell!" This teenage girls shouts while waving at me. Ahhhh probably one of Jack fans. She approached me and I gave her a smile.
"Omg I can't believe it's you" she said shocked I laughed.

"It's lovely to meet you what's your name" I ask.

"I'm Ava, I absolutely love what you model"

"Thank you, I try my best" I grin at her.

"Do you mind if I get a photo?"

"Of course why not!" I said she then got out her phone and we took a couple of photos together. She started to tell me how long she has been following me and how I inspired her to get into social media to make it a better place. I told her how shocked I was that she wasn't just a fan of my boyfriend she laughed telling me he was just a factor, which made me laugh. She posted the photos on her Instagram story so I put her story on mine. We then said our goodbyes.

I continued my walk back to the car to see Jack already leaning against his car while talking on the phone. He seems annoyed with the person on the other end. I wonder who it could be. I continue to walk closer to him I only am able to catch a few words that Jack says. I think he says just let me know but I'm not quite sure. As soon as he sees me he says a very quick goodbye and hangs up the phone.
"Are you okay?" I say.

"Yes I am fine darling" he says, calming down.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask.

"Yes I am are you ready to go we are supposed to meet T at 9 and it's 7 right now" he said. I nodded my head and we made our way to the car.


Hi guys sorry I haven't published in a while I have been caught up with exams but I should be back to post new chapters now. Let me know what you would like to see happen with the story. Don't forget to vote and comment xx

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now