Chapter V

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Chapter V

We have been at my parents house for about 4 hours now and it has been a blast. Jack gets along with my family really well to be honest he has always felt like apart of it and that might be why, my parents have always seen him as like a second son so he has always been welcomed with open arms. For the past hour we have been playing card games it gets really competitive so after the round finished I decided to go and get everyone that was playing some drinks and snacks and Mia offered to help.

"Soooo" she trails off. "How was your night with Jack? Did you do your usual catch up with him?"

I turn on my heels to face her "Well.....not exactly" I started to bit my nails, I tend to do that when I am nervous. "I may or may not have kissed him instead" I say quickly.

"YOU KISSED JACK ?" She shouted so that the whole world could hear.

"Yes now would you be quiet I don't want Ben to know"

"Sorryyyyyy it just a big deal you have had a crush on him for as long as I have known you". I hate that she can read me like a book. "So how was it? How did it happen? Does he feel the same way? OH MY GOD did you have sex?"

"First, what is with all the questions and no we did not have sex or at least I don't think I was to drunk to remember"

"You didn't answer all of my questions" wow she really does like to know every little detail.

"Ok well first it was good, second we were just dancing and then he just sort of kissed me and third I am guessing he does feel the same one because he didn't drink much last night, two he kissed me and three when I woke up in his hotel room and said it couldn't happen again his face completely fell".
I still feel really bad for saying to Jack that it can't happen again but I feel really guilty for going behind my brothers back.

"Hold on, you said it couldn't happen again, grace what is wrong with you why would you do that to yourself"

"Because you know what my brother is like and he would lose his shit if he found out that me and Jack even had feelings for each other and if he found out we kissed last night he would have Jacks head" I wasn't joking my brother would literally beat the shit out of Jack he did it to my ex so who's to say he wouldn't do that same to Jack.

"who gives a crap about your brother, I will talk some sense into him when you two tell him your together. Grace he likes you back this has been your dream since you were like, what, 16 don't think about what your brother would want think about what you want for once, yeah" Mia's words ring in my ears as I look back into the living room and see Jack and Ben pissing themselves laughing. I couldn't break up there friendships but I also really like Jack and it could work out but I also didn't want to lose the friendship me and Jack had if it didn't.
I need time to think.

"Anyway how was your night with Ben, and before you start remember that you are talking to his sister and don't need in-depth details" I said grabbing the snacks. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"It was amazing, we went back to his and talked for hours at first and then well you said to leave that bit out. And then he bought me back home and asked if I wanted to come here and I said yes and on the way he ask if I wanted to go out on Wednesday and I said yeah" I have never seen my best friend so happy she was grinning from ear to ear and so was Ben when he looked at her. They are going to make a great couple.

"That's amazing Mia I am glad he makes you happy, I really am" I smile at her.

"Thank you.....we should probably get back in there we have been in here for a while they will be wondering where we are" she gives me a quick smile and leaves the kitchen with the drinks. I grab the snacks and start slowly walking back to the living room.

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now