Chapter 48:

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I don't even remember falling asleep with the TV on. When I woke up, it was no longer the night before when I had fallen asleep with the TV on. Instead of broadcasting "The Secret Life Of Pets", it was now showing "Grease",  Louis favorite movie. I missed Louis and the twins so much. I don't know how long I was going to be able to be without them. I heard my phone buzz and picked it up showing, it was showing a text for Hayleigh.

'The board that you are meeting with has to move  your meeting until tomorrow, they had a much more pressing matter that they had to deal with. Something about Jay Z. They are hoping that you will be able to get back into the saddle and play some shows and release some new music.'

I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to be away from Louis more than I had to be and the board changing my meeting until tomorrow would change my entire plan and make tbe trip longer than originally planned. I laid back down and groaned.

"Louis why do they have to keep me away from you! Oh I bet this is Simon's doing. But then again he isn't my record label or my management or manager." I said aloud to myself.

I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I hadn't taken a show last night because I had fallen asleep on the bed after checking into the hotel. I walked to the shower and  turned the hot water on to steam up the bathroom. Before leaving to get a couple towels from the bedroom I also turned on the cold water.

I left the water running and went in search of a towels. I rummaged around and finally found them in my suitcase under my suit for my meeting.

I walked back into the bathroom and opened the door and felt the steam hit my face. I placed the towels on the counter top and stepped into the shower. I let the water rolled down my face and soak my curls that were reaching just below my jawline. I tilted my head up and feel the water run down my chest and stomach. I began humming to myself and finally found a tune that I really liked, I made a mental note of it for later to see if I could produce some lyrics to go with the melody.

"Sweet Creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
And we're still young
Don't know where we're going but we know where we belong
And oh we started two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn I know
But oh
Sweet Creature
Sweet Creature
Wherever I go
You bring me home"

I sung one of my favorite song that I wrote for Louis, I leaned my head back down to let the water roll down my back. All of a sudden I was thinking about Louis and the twins and wondering what they were doing while I was standing here alone in my hotel room.

I jumped out of the shower after finishing my hair and body and wrapped the towel around my waist and barely dried my hair. It hung down to my shoulders when it was wet or in this case slightly damp.

After walking out I realized that I had set my clothes out and the house keeping lady had picked them up for the wash. Now I had nothing to wear and my husband and children were in the next town over and I couldn't go visit them. I grabbed my phone to check it and saw that I had a message from Louis. I clicked it and saw a video that he had sent me while I was in the shower.

The video cut to Louis and he had his shirt pulled up and he was in the very familiar office of his OBGYN for his 38 week appointment. He flicked the camera to Niall who looked at the camera and didn't register that it was a video causing Niall to smile. "Babies are going to be here soon. Are you ready to be Uncle Ni?" Louis asked. Niall nodded enthusiasticly. I watched Niall's eyes flick back to the screen that was showing the twins. The doctor was pointing out the twins for Niall. I watched as Louis glanced to make sure that no one was watching him. He lifted the towel that they covered and showed me his maternity pants that pants Gemma had bought him for New Years. He pointed to the twins in his stomach and got them to kick slightly. "Lou, did you see that?" Niall exclaimed. "Yeah and I felt it. I love you Haz. My beautiful husband." He whispered the last part.

Along with the video he also sent a picture of the ultrasound with the twins labeled, 'Girl' and 'Boy'. I still couldn't believe that this was actually real, never in a million years did I believe that I could actually have kids with the love of my life but sure enough as real as he is they are too.


I sat down on my bed in the hotel room, it really was nice but it was missing one thing. I had to call house keeping to get my clothes back.

"Hello, this is Michael Wheeler and I believe that I left some clothes sitting out and that you have done the job of cleaning my already clean clothes.?" I asked using the name that they provided me with as to not spoil my cover.

"We did our rounds this morning and we did find your room a little on the messy side so we did pick them up. We'll bring them to you right now, I'm so sorry about that."

Within minutes of me calling housekeeping concerning my clothes there was someone there with them in their hands ready to hand them back to me. I glady accepted then and then changed so I could possibly find something to do. I placed in front of the TV for a while until I remember the melody that I had come up with in the shower. I sat down with pen and paper and wrote down the lyrics to the melody.

"Maybe the board will enjoy this but if not I'll just keep it in this envelope." I said to myself as I placed the song into the envelope that I had marked Half the World Away'.

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