Chapter 24

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Okay so a few things I must say first and you MUST READ!!!! It is very IMORTANT!!!

1.) I had to make this chapter short so we could get to Nicole and Landon's conversation. 

2.) Landon is 5 11'', shaggy blonde hair, grey eyes, slightly muscular build. So he's pretty cute

3.) I'm thinking of writing another couple books after this one about Natalie's(and Jonathan's) experience and Lisa's (and Mack's) experiences (these would be 2 different books). They'd probably be kind of short...anyway what do you think about that. Should I or should I not? Please comment and explain why for me. 

:) Thanks



Chapter 24


            When she walked back into the yard with that guy I almost wanted to swing my fist across his face. I’d seen both of them around school before. He liked her. Every time I’d seen them he’d have his arm over her shoulders with a big goofy smile on his face.

            Seeing her as a wolf was wonderful, despite the pain she went through. I was so proud to see it. She met my eyes and smiled. I’d forgotten to block my last few thoughts from her.

            “Where are Nat and Lisa?” she asked, her eyes scanning the area.

            “Out stretching their legs with Jonathan and Mack,” I nodded. “So…why did you bring him back here?”

            “He got lost in the woods so I’m just going to take him home,” she shrugged. “Has Hannah gotten my car yet?”

            “She left before Jonathan got back. She should be here soon,” I shrugged, sparing a glance towards Landon, who looked like a very small gerbil in a crowded fair. I held out a hand to him. “I’m Chase.”

            He hesitated before taking my hand and shaking it once. “I’m Landon. So, um, are you and Nikki dating?” he asked awkwardly.

            “Something like that, yes,” I nodded crossing my arms across my chest.

            “Oh,” he nodded, beginning to look like a deflated balloon. “So…your sister Hannah, has Nikki’s car?”

            I just nodded. Nicole was going to get to explain this one. She turned to him. “Yeah, I went out of town, Chase found me picked me up and brought me here. He didn’t get my car. It’s been like two days.”

            “Hey, blame Hannah, not me. She’s a major procrastinator,” I smirked.

            “Okay, well, Landon and I are going to go inside and talk a bit,” Nicole said, rolling her eyes. “I’ll see you in a few. And if you would be so kind as to tell me when Hannah gets back, that would be great.”

            “Don’t you want to wait for your friends to get back?” I asked, really just wanting her to stay where I can see her.

            “Wait; are Nat and Lisa…werewolves too?” Landon asked, getting a half-way shocked and half-way revolted look on his face.

            “Yeah…apparently they’re my cousins,” Nicole shrugged. “I promise I will explain everything when we get inside. Chase, I’m going inside, tell Nat and Lisa not to enter unless I say so.” She put her hand on my shoulder as she spoke.

            Before she could walk away I pulled her to me and kissed her lustfully. “You’re so beautiful, Nicole. In both wolf and human forms,” I whispered in her ear after we broke the kiss.

            I saw a small, pleased smile on her face as I pulled back. She met my eyes and gave me a small peck before leading Landon inside.

            “She is a very beautiful wolf, Chase,” my mother commented walking to me.

            “I know,” I nodded, my eyes on the back door she just walked through.

            “She’s fit to be an alpha female.”

            “I know that too.”

            “Do you love her?” my mother asked after a thoughtful moment of silence.

            I gave my mother a confused look. “Of course I love her. Why wouldn’t I?”

            My mother shrugged. “I was just wondering. How do you feel about her being alone in our home with that Landon boy?”

            “It pisses me off,” I growled, earning a smack on the back of my head. “Ouch! What was that for?”

            “You cussed,” my mom shrugged, trying to suppress a smile.

            “Well it’s true. They’re friends. She used to let him keep his arm around her. Make it look like they were dating, when everyone knew they weren’t. He still has that love-struck look every time his eyes see her. It’s not right. She’s mine, she will never be his.”

            “Chase, she’s not going to leave you for him,” my mother shook her head slightly. “She loves you just as much as you love her. If you say one more annoying, jealous thing I will shave your head.”

            I put my hands on my head, to cover my hair. “I’ll shut up.”

            She laughed. “Good boy. I will never understand why you love your hair so much.”

            I shrugged. “It looks good.”

            “That’s what you think.”

            “Nicole seems to like it,” I defended.

            “How so?” my mother asked.

            I internally groaned. I should’ve seen that embarrassing conversation coming. “Can I not answer that?”

            “Oh Chase you two haven’t—“

            “No!” I gasped, frantically waving my hands. “No, no, no! We’re waiting until the mating ritual. I just meant she likes it in general.”

            My mother’s lips tightened in a little side smile. “I don’t want to know anymore. I’m gonna walk away now.”

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