Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


            Helping Hannah cook sucked. She controlled everything. “I do know how to cook, Hannah,” I kept saying. She would just continue with her commands and corrections. But finally we were done. I could go get Nicole.

            “Wait!” Hannah snapped, before I could reach the swinging kitchen door.

            “What?” I moaned turning around.

            “You need to help me put this stuff on the plates at the table,” she said.

            “Gabe can help you,” I said as Gabe walked through the door.

            “Gabe will you?” she asked her eyes hopeful.

            He sighed and nodded. “You owe me, Chase.”

            I smirked before jogging into the far parlor where Nicole and my mother were. “Hey, dinner is about to be put out mom. You want to go make sure it’s done to perfection?”

            “I think Hannah can handle that one. Your mate here is so wonderful, I’d much rather continue talking to her,” my mother said patting Nicole’s knee gently.

            Nicole smirked up at me. “And your mom was just about to show me your cute little baby pictures that I said I’d adore seeing.”

            “Okay, how about we wait until later to do that?” I asked, truthfully I hoped they’d agree and forget so I could get Nicole home beforethose baby pictures came out.

            “Oh, you just don’t want your girlfriend to see pictures of you wearing just an old Halloween cape and underpants,” my mother laughed swatting her hands at me.

            “This I must see,” Nicole grinned.

            “No, no you must not,” I said walking to her and lifting her to her feet. She smiled up at me as I carried her into the foyer so we could go upstairs.

            “Oh, looks like someone is going to have a bit of fun with his mate before dinner,” Mack grinned as he walked down the stairs.

            “Hey, Mack, you wouldn’t happen to know where some old photo albums are would you.” Nicole asked looking over my shoulder.

            “I might. Looking for anything in particular?” Mack replied with a cocky grin, he knew what she was looking for.

            “Yeah, old pictures of Chase wearing his red cape,” her grin returned as she spoke. She pinched my cheek like my grandmother did when I was young. “I bet it’s so cute.”

            Mack laughed as we continued to walk upstairs. “I’ll find what I can!” he called through his fit of laughter.

            Nicole looped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, making it easier to carry her. “I officially love your family.”

            “That’s great,” I said sourly.

            “Come on, you’re not embarrassed by them are you?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

            “No, I just wish they wouldn’t dig those things up,” I shook my head. “Can you open that door?” I asked nodding towards the door we’d stopped at.

            Nicole reached behind her and turned the knob, swinging the door to my room open. “Tada.”

            “This is my room,” I said setting her on her feet and closing the door behind us.

            There was a platform where the bed was, that was almost like a small stage. Then on the floor under the platform was a leather couch and T.V., there were a few other things in the room but that was most of it.

            “Nice room,” Nicole said going to sit on the couch.

            “Thank you, I’ve had it for a long time,” I nodded joining her.

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