Chapter 10

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Tribal markings on the side that look like Nicole's wolf marking


Chapter 10 Chase

            One second there was Nicole standing there growling at the idiot trying to take her away from me and the next she was a large white wolf. She had only a black tribal tattoo-like marking on her back, just like the white one on my back. It was proof that she was my mate, my Luna. I saw the guys eyes widen at her markings.

            “That’s the same mark that is on my wolf’s back,” I said loud enough so the sound reached his ears over Nicole’s loud snarls.

            He started to shift, I saw his canine lengthen. Nicole didn’t miss that either. She launched her mouth going around his throat. He shifted into a large brown wolf and bit at her paw. I snarled and launched over her turning into a black wolf, with the same marking that is one Nicole’s back, only mine was white. I pushed him away from her and gave a loud snarl.

            There was a loud gunshot causing all of us to flinch. The store owner was standing with a shot gun in his hand at the door of the gas station.

            “Get the hell outta here!” he shouted shooting towards the sky again.

I nodded my head towards the brown wolf. If anyone was going to leave, it would be him. I lifted my head up a bit, showing off my height and sending off my power and place in my pack. He whimpered and his head dipped a bit. He backed away into the trees that surrounded the station. I nodded and pulled Nicole into the trees opposite of the one that guy went in. We shifted back once we were completely hidden from the owner.

            “I thought that the clothes just ripped and didn’t stay on,” Nicole said looking down at her clothes.

            “I wish that was true right now,” I said looking up at the sky.

            “Shut up, Chase. I’m being serious,” she replied shoving my shoulder.

            “They obviously don’t rip,” I said pointedly.

            “I was just saying that’s what I thought,” she snapped beginning to walk out of the woods.

“Wait,” I quickly reached out and grabbed her arm. I walked forward and peeked out, the owner and that other wolf was as well. “Okay, come on.”    

She gave me a questioning look but walked forward. She went to press her hand against the tree trunk, so she could step over a branch, but she hissed and pulled the hand back cupping her wrist. “Ouch.”

“Are you okay?” I asked taking her hand and examining her wrist. It was bruised.

She spoke my thought out loud. “I guess he bit me harder than I thought.” A low growl escaped my lips. “Chase, calm down, breath.”

“He hurt you. I’m your mate, I shouldn’t let anyone hurt you,” I whispered, feeling my wolf become uneasy at the thought of my mate being in pain.

“Don’t worry Chase. I’m fine,” she smiled softly and put her unhurt hand on my cheek.

“Let’s go put gas in the car and then get home,” I said putting my arm around her shoulders and leading her out of the woods.

“Did y’all see those crazy wolves?” the manager asked when we walked inside the store.

            “Yeah, we were waiting in the car until they ran off,” I nodded leading Nicole to the counter. “Can I just get twenty in gas?” I asked handing him a twenty dollar bill

            “Nothin’ else for either of ya?” he asked peering at Nicole. “How old are ya?”

            “We’re fine, we don’t need anything else,” I said, trying to take his eyes off Nicole.

            He gave me an unsure look. “It’s ready, go on.”

            I nodded thanks and we walked out back to the car. I opened the passenger side and lifted her into the seat, before turning to put gas in the car. I sensed her eyes on me the whole time, up until I walked around and got in the car.

            “Close your door,” I said as I slammed mine.

            She obeyed silently and buckled her seat belt.

            “You wanna tell me what’s on your mind?” I asked as we sped away from the station and towards town.

            “I was just…” she trailed off. “I’m sorry.”

            “For what?” I asked shocked.

            “I was so rude to you,” she said shrugging.

            “That wasn’t necessarily your fault,” I shook my head. “You were scared I can understand that. You were raised human, you can’t just erase that.”

            The car fell silent then, she started picking at her nails. I frowned and focused on the road ahead of me. I could literally feel the guilt radiating off her. It hurt me to know that my mate thought I was upset with her.

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