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1 month has passed

Y/n's POV:
I was passing through the lobby of my office when I overheard a conversation between my employees...

"I always knew BTS was bad news... Highly overrated... And look, one of their MUAs was murdered... Who knows, they might have been involved too..." one guy claimed.

"Okay first, they're not overrated and second, BTS would never do such inhuman activities... Besides the MUA had some issues with the members... Most probably with Jungkook according to their staffs.... She was fired but rehired too... Don't drag my precious OT7..." stated another girl, definitely an Army.

"Oh yes... That Jungkook... I still remember how he would stick around Y/n Ma'am every time she was present... I so hated him... Y'all know I kinda have a crush on her and seeing him eye Ma'am was so frustrating... I wanted to choke him to death... Thank God our boss wasn't interested... Besides I hate how every girl goes 'awww... Oh my goddd... Jungkook is so hot and cute'... My ass... Those gay looking idiots better leave some girls for us too.... Who knows, he might have killed the girl to not let her voice get to the world proving how much of a dickhead he is... Tskk..."

"I bet his dick is bigger than your whole body... So shut your homophobic slurs. I wonder, how lucky the woman must be who he would love"...

"Whatever... But I swear I'll bury that Jungkook alive if he dares to ev----"

I walked in their space with the rattling sound of my heels on the floor.

"Ahem..." I cleared my throat.... "Do I pay you all to work or to gossip about irrelevant extraneous matters???" I groaned.

"Sorry ma'am..." That's all they could utter before heading back to their desks and eyes back on the desktops in front.

I stood still for a few seconds and looked over at Brian who had the audacity to think of burying my Jungkook alive....


The clock struck 8 at night... The office working hours were over and I asked Brian to stay back for a few minutes. And no surprise he did....

A knock on my door was heard.

"Come in...." I allowed.

"Umm... Ma'am..." I looked up at Brian and he continued..."May I please know the reason you asked me to stay late??"

"Yes about that Brian... I'm going to visit this new site for our next project and I thought it'd be better if you would go with me.... Are you okay with that??" I asked smiling softly.

His face grew a light pinkish tint... "Surely ma'am..."

"Perfect..... Please wait in the driveway near my car... I'll be down there in a few minutes..." he nodded and left.


I was driving through a forest to an isolated barren land where not a soul could be seen for miles....

I looked at him fidgeting vigorously with his fingers.

"Are you alright Brian?? Don't tell me you're afraid of these places!!!" I chuckled.

"N-no-no ma'am.... I'm just always n-nervous whenever you're around...."

"Why??? Do I look like a killer to you???"

"No... You're b-beau-beautiful....* He paused for a second and continued to talk in one breath... "Please don't get me wrong... But I have been crushing on you ever since I was hired.... I've always looked up to you with nothing but respect and admiration... I did not even realise when my fondness of you turned into l-lo-ve probably.... But the day that Jungkook came into picture and the way he'd always look at you, stick to you and talk to you, it pissed me off... I was scared you would fall for his stupid looking face as well but thank God you're away from that bast----" he stopped talking when I abruptly pressed the brakes harder...

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