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My first victim was a man who was pressed, I watched as he stood from among the chattering group and walked into the forest, I followed, I had just shifted back and was pretty much naked so I didn't venture out in the open.

Standing not very far from him, I crouched behind the shrubs that surrounded the area, watching as he unzipped his pants and began to relieve himself. I picked up a small stone and threw to my left, in a direction away from the camp. He turned towards the sound and frowned.

"Anyone there?" he asked, when he received no response, he focused again on his business, "just some stupid animal," he muttered to himself as he zipped up his pants.

I threw the stone again and he turned around now and said, "Rohan! I'm not in the mood for a prank!"

Seeing that there was someone in the camp who likes to play pranks, I quietly moved away, towards the area and threw another stone,

"Stupid idiot," the man muttered and walked in the direction of the noise, a little further away from the camp. I smiled as I watch him take the bait and followed behind him.

He slowly walked into a clearing and looked around. The trees here were tall, creating a large canopy, with each branch meeting that of its neighbor. The moon's light filtered in between the leaves and branches, slightly illuminating the bare forest floor.

The man stopped and looked around, seeing there was no one there, "This isn't funny Rohan," he said with a sigh, as he decided to go back. At that moment, I snuck up on him from behind and twisted his neck to the side forcefully, breaking his cervical bone in the process. He fell to the ground dead.

"Someone else is coming." Rieka suddenly said, and I ran for the shadows of a tree and hid behind it, having stayed in the lair for more than a year now. I have learned to conceal my scent perfectly, even if I stood behind him, he wouldn't be able to perceive me.

The new guy looked around, he was the same man who had earlier been whispering sweet nothing into Rosie's ear. He walked slowly into the clearing and I watched him look around briefly. I knew he was following the other man's scent. In a moment now, he would see his body and alert the others, thereby ruining my surprise attack.

"Don't kill him." Rieka suddenly said again, and I frowned.

"And why would I let him live?" I asked angrily.

"Because we don't know the way to Alpha Dante's pack," she said matter-of-factly, and my brows raised.

Oh! That was true. How was I supposed to find Alpha Dante if I killed them all?

"Good job, Rieka." I said, but she only rolled her eyes at me and cut off the link.

I chuckled slightly as I dashed out of my hiding place.

The man walked forward and saw the dead body of the first guy. He immediately turned around to rush back to the camp. The moment he turned around, I was standing in front of him in my full glory, naked under the filtering moonlight, giving him a sinister smile.

Suddenly, seeing me behind him, startled him into taking a step back. The moment he tried to take the step, I attacked, hand chopping the carotid artery in his neck and knocking him out.

I took one step back and sighed.

"We have to hurry up, or he'll be awake before we get back," I said aloud, and rushed back towards the camp.


"What do you think is taking them so long?" I heard Rosie ask, when I got to the tree behind the camp.

THE INDIFFERENT LUNA  1 - Austan wolfWhere stories live. Discover now