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I walked slowly into the small bathroom that was connected to the tiny room and stared into the vanity there. I stared at my face. The scar of the burn that had healed ran across the thin hairline on one side of my face, the tip of my ears, and the front part of my red hair on that side was burnt off.

I took a deep breath and opened the cupboard that was situated above the vanity and luckily I found what I sort.

I grabbed the pair of scissors and a new shaving stick I found there and placed them on the sink in front of me. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath then picked up the scissors and began to chop off my red hair

"What are you doing?" Rieka who had been watching and listening to my train of thought silently asked.

"Getting reborn." I answered as I dropped the chopped-off length into the sink basin. I stared at the hair that I have carried on me for so long slowly disappeared from behind me.

It was painful.

But as painful as it was I knew I had to shed off my old skin and finally embrace myself without looking back.

When I was done chopping it off I dropped the scissors and looked at the low-cut hair on my head for a second before taking the shaving stick. With it, I began to shave off the hair left on my head.

"Must you do this? Isn't this too extreme?" she asked but I didn't reply. This wasn't easy for me. But I was pleased that she called me extreme. It means I was starting to be just like her.

When I was done shaving I stared at my bare scalp, then the sink filled with the hair that was once mine, and sighed.

"Now the weak Silveen is dead. Let's reborn as the one the world would fear." I said to myself as I looked into my own eyes in the mirror.

"Help me Rieka. Teach me how to get stronger." I said again.

I felt Rieka smile a bit, "Let's start by achieving that twenty laps without breaking a sweat." she said and I nodded then headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To start the twenty laps." I said as I walked out of the bathroom towards the door in nothing but the clothes I had fought in some night ago.


"Yes. Now." I replied as I walked out the door to begin my training.

I had cut my hair, there was no going back now. With the new hair that would grow would rise a new Silveen.


I never returned to the hospital nor did I listen to the nagging of the pack doctor on how I needed to rest. I didn't listen to the protest of my lazy limbs when I ran or the cramps I felt either.

I kept pushing and training seriously. I rose before the others and did my own laps and bout of training before the others even thought of rising up. I had my nightmares to wake up in the middle of the night after all.

I also stayed in the training arena and continued training when all the others were gone. I did the running, and the press-up, and privately practiced every other thing I had been taught during the training session. I also went into the wild, hunting and fighting with wild animals in both my wolf and human form, continuously beating and challenging myself to beat my previous achievement.

By the end of the first month, I finally understood the true speed and strength of an Austan wolf because I could run as fast as Rieka had that day without her help. I had also learned how to defend myself as opposed to before when I needed my wolf or my bloodlust to do it for me.

THE INDIFFERENT LUNA  1 - Austan wolfWhere stories live. Discover now