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Adjusting to the Kirjan clan and my new mistress's home wasn't much of a task. She was rather kind and I made sure not to offend her since I had a bad habit of remembering only bad encounters with people. I had written to my parents the day after I arrived but never got a response, not that I expected any, I was perfectly satisfied here, no one expected too much from me other than me fulfilling my duties of cleaning the house. Thus no one knew of the fact that I had no wolf.

As painful as the thought of that sounds, I have to go on with my life, I have been blessed with gifts too after all, it was just a little different. I told myself this many times to console myself.

As for the house and the weird scent of my mate that it reeked of, I never went back there. In fact, I avoided it altogether, I had no desire for trouble or adventure, and being an Alpha's mate I fear would give me just that.


I stood up from under the short tree, where I had been sitting lost in my thoughts when I heard Lady Freya call my name and I rushed into the house, lifting my maid dress as I did, to prevent it from tripping me over.

The house was a duplex building with the Gamma's master bedroom and visitor's room situated upstairs, the small kitchen and living room were downstairs, and under the stairs was a small empty room, which became mine the moment I arrived. The gamma and his mate had no children yet and the only other person who helped around the house was Marie, a short heavy set woman with a beautiful bright smile, she was mated with cubs and so always went back to her family at night.

"Lady Freya, you called me?" I asked humbly as I walked in through the side door which led past the front of my room to the living room. I met her at the bottom of the stairs all dressed up.

She had always been one to want to get to know me better but I always avoided her.

"You are like a little sister to me." She had said to me when I first arrived and wanted to know what my childhood was like. But as we already know, I had a secret that I would rather not disclose, so I shrugged her off with an 'it wasn't bad' speech. But I liked her very much in my own way, even though she didn't know that.

"Yes," She said, eyeing my outfit.

"Go change into something more befitting, I have been invited by the Alpha's mother for brunch and I want you to go with me."

My heart skipped a beat at her words and I began to fidget on the spot.

"What are you waiting for Silveen? Go on."

"Lady Freya, I haven't been feeling too well, I...."

"No more excuses Silveen, if I didn't know better, I'd say, you are avoiding the Alpha's house."

"Well, you don't know better," I thought to myself as I tried hard not to bat an eyelash at her because that was exactly what I was doing and that was how I had been avoiding the Alpha's house since my arrival. I always feigned an illness whenever Lady Freya invited me to go with her and trust me when I say she practically lived there.

It didn't take long after my arrival five days ago to realize that Lady Freya worshiped the previous Luna and loved to spend every little time she had with her, so imagine how she would feel right now that the Old Luna invited her over.

As for me, It wasn't that I didn't want to meet my mate, I was just scared. A lot was going on in my life right now, that was out of the ordinary, in fact, nothing in my life had ever been ordinary, not the fact that my parents didn't love me, nor that none of my siblings wanted to associate with me, even while I lived with them and no one had fought for me while I was being sent away. I loved the ghost life I lived here and I didn't want anything ruining it.

THE INDIFFERENT LUNA  1 - Austan wolfWhere stories live. Discover now