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 Eric continued walking through the forest for a while, dragging me along. I had no idea where we were going, but I followed silently, as I could tell he was fuming. He soon began to slow down and the rapid movements stopped, making it seem like we were taking a stroll.

I glanced up to see that his eyes had assumed their peaceful ocean color again. I sighed in relief as I knew it was time we talked about us. I had stopped crying myself. No, in fact, I think my tears dried up the moment he asked his mother if that was all she wanted to say.

I knew he might have just said that to protect me and not because he didn't care about me being handicapped or that I was of no use to his pack as a Luna. But it sure felt good. I winced at the thought.

"I'm sorry," I said silently and saw his shoulder tense, as he stopped walking and turned to me.

Here we go.

"For what?" he asked, but I didn't look up to him. I was satisfied to look anywhere but in his eyes.

"For not telling you that I am human?"

He busted into laughter and I looked at him surprised. What could be amusing? How is any of this amusing? I bowed my head in embarrassment. Laughter was not what I expected, but somehow it hurt more than an insult. Was he making fun of me? I held back tears.

"What makes you think that?" he asked when he was done laughing.

"Hun?" I looked into his eyes and was immediately trapped in them.

"What on earth made you think that you aren't a werewolf?" He said, looking straight into my eyes, in a way that made my cheeks burn. I looked away again.

"Well.... I can't shift.... and I......"

"Do you think being able to shift is the only thing that makes one a werewolf?"

I frowned at him now, but a teasing smile was still tugging at the corner of his lips.

"If it isn't, then what is?" I asked in a calm and low voice.

He laughed a little and I knew he was enjoying himself but why he was beats me.

"I don't know, let's see...." he said and began to pull away strands of hair from off my face, then he let his hands fall on my cheek as he gently caressed it. I swallowed nervously as sparks ran through my body from his touch.

He allowed his hands to wander to my neck and then lower until his hands got to that spot in my neck where he was to mark me as his. The moment his hands glided over that spot, I gasped in shock, at the thousand sensations I felt, but he smiled knowingly.

"See? No human would act that way," he whispered before his hands ran up my neck again, pulling me close. I felt his breath on my face as I caught myself staring at his lips.

Letting his hands slide to the back of my neck, he bent over and kissed me gently.

A thousand sparks exploded in my head and I tried to gasp in shock at this feeling that I had never experienced before, but found myself letting out a moan instead. He stiffened for a second before allowing his other hand to wrap around my waist, pulling me close into a deeper kiss.

I found myself standing on my toes and tucking my hands into his hair, kissing his back. Soon, we broke up for air and he rested his head on my forehead, closing his eyes. I didn't dare to open mine either.

I didn't know what was happening to me. There was a fire coursing through my veins that I couldn't seem to control, my heart was racing at an impossible rate. What was happening to me? I wondered as my breathing began to slow down.

THE INDIFFERENT LUNA  1 - Austan wolfWhere stories live. Discover now