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Well, he was right. The moment I woke up the next day my limbs were useless, they hurt so much I could only groan in pain and curse Rieka seventy times. I missed the evening spar the previous day, breakfast and dinner and now I am starving and tired......

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Oh come on!" I let out a frustrated groan as I rolled on my bed, then used my pillow to cover my ears.

My pillow case was already a mess, under the influence of my nightmares I had torn it to shred but now is not the time to worry about it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

"Get out here sleepy heads." I heard July shout as she banged my door continuously.

I groaned again, I should have known, that girl was the one in charge of the roll call. Ah I should have known, she's not going to let me off, she stood at my door and did all the banging there.

She banged my door again and I rolled out of the bed painfully and walked towards the door. I know I can't say I wasn't coming, I had to bite my tongue and endure the pain after all she didn't seem like she had plans of leaving.

I yanked the door open on the fifth round of banging or was it the seventh? I don't know but July stood there giving me a mocking smile and I could only raise a brow.

"Looks like you are finally awake. Let's move to the training ground." she said and I nodded.

"I will be right behind you."

"I don't mind if you walk in front of me." she said with another smile and I angrily shut the door in her face.

The moment I did, the banging started again and I clenched my fist angrily and suppressed the desire to scream at her. I then closed my eyes and breathed in and out with my mouth, gave my bed one last look of longing, opened the door, and walked out of the room, limping in front of her toward the training ground.

While she spent the whole walk snickering and making fun of me, I ignored her and waited patiently for Rieka who had been silent all morning to speak so I could explode and vent my frustration and anger out on her.

But of course, my wise wolf knew when to tuck her tail between her legs and avoid me.


We did twenty press-ups during which I succeeded in embarrassing myself greatly and became a laughing stock to all the other members of our group and Rieka was right, my messing up watered down the Austan wolf idea and whatever name she had made for herself when she was doing her power lap yesterday.

After the press-ups, we all went on the twenty laps, which I spent walking or shall I say limping. By the time I was done everyone had gone to grab breakfast and I decided to join them. I can't starve myself to death now can I?

I might have messed up during the training but I had to eat breakfast since I haven't been able to eat anything thing since I arrived in this ice mountain two days ago. I walked into the dining hall not minding the weird looks I got from those who didn't know me or the mocking look I got from July and my group members, even Rieka was hiding her face in shame so who am I to care about them.

I just want to eat and find a way to overcome this stupid muscle cramp I have.

"Hey, come seat here." I heard a girl with short dark hair and a heavily freckled face designed with warm blue eyes that made her look so innocent, say to me as she made space for me beside her on the extremely long dining table that was filled with all sorts of food and people. I limped to her side and sank into the bench, smiling a little, she reminds me of Cecil.

THE INDIFFERENT LUNA  1 - Austan wolfWhere stories live. Discover now