32. Shadow Travelling Supreme

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{-} Alex {-}

  "Hey, Nico, you okay?" Will called out after they heard some sounds from outside the room, shortly after Nico shadow travelled.

  Seconds passed, with Will on the verge of having a panic attack, until finally they heard Nico's voice, saying something in a whole other language, then he called out, "I think the door works now!"

  Leo dashed to the door and pushed it. It swung normally, revealing Nico with his wand equipped in his hand.

  "How did it work?" Piper asked, frowning.

  "I'll explain later, we have to go. Quickly," Nico said, not leaving them to say anything else.

  "Explain," Alex ordered, when Nico showed no sign that he was going to talk to them. He grabbed his shoulder to stop Nico from sprinting away. No way was Alex going to be left clueless.

  Nico rolled his eyes as the others scooted closer to listen. "The others might be in trouble, we're not the only ones here. Someone blocked the door with a spell, so that we couldn't open the door from the room itself. That's why it wouldn't allow Alex to go through it either. We've got to find-"

  "Blood," Magnus interrupted. His voice was barely a whisper, but they all managed to hear him clearly.

  "Wha-" Hazel started, before her eyes caught the trail of a thick, crimson liquid on the floor. "Why- why is there blood?"

  Alex went on his knees to get a closer look at the blood. There were several small drops, leading to a door to their left. "That way." He pointed to the door.

  They bolted towards it, without a thought forming in their head of what they would encounter within the room.

  Exactly when they opened the door, they were greeted by a horrible sight. All of their friends were there, but the only ones still standing were Harry, Neville, Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Jason. Luna and Hermione were laying unconscious at different parts of the room, Ginny was on the floor, seemingly not being able to move because of her ankle. And Ron was being wrapped by some pink tentacles. Figures with hoods shot spells everywhere, every single one of them aimed at their friends.

  "Harry, it'll suffocate him!" screamed Ginny as she helplessly watched Ron get tangled in the tentacles. In that split second a jet of red light flew from one of the hooded-figures' wand and hit her squarely in the face, leaving her unconscious.

  The others weren't doing much progress either. They were all bleeding from different gashes and wounds, Neville even had a nose bleed. Unfortunately, Annabeth, Jason and Percy's swords were of no use as they passed right through the hooded figures, and Frank had even ran out of arrows to shoot.

  When Alex broke out of his shock of what he was seeing in front of him, he took out his garrote wire, while the others armed themselves with swords, daggers, bows and arrows and hammers (in Leo's case).

  At that moment, Harry noticed them, relief washing over his face, he didn't have time to say anything though, he was busy sprinting with a sort-of orb over his head with someone running right behind his heels.

  Magnus opened his mouth to call for Jack's help, seeing how grave the situation was. But then, spell suddenly hit him, making him fall face-first to the floor.

  "Oh my gods," Alex groaned. "What was that spell?"

  "You guys go help the others with fighting these people," Will ordered, while they all ducked as a spell zipped right over their heads. "I'll take Magnus to a safer place and check if Luna, Ginny and Hermione are alright. Piper, you should go help Ron getting untangled by that thing."

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