9. Annabeth, Jason and Piper make Friends with an Elf

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{-} Harry {-}

Horrible wasn't the right word to explain detention.

His hand still throbbed from the words being written on his skin. And to think that he had to go through it for the remainder of the week!

When they finished detention Harry decided to speak to Percy and Nico so maybe he could discover something else about them.

"I know that you two are up to something," he told them as they walked through the corridor.

The two new students froze.

"What do you mean by up to something?" Percy asked him coldly.

"You're here at Hogwarts because of something, aren't you?" Harry pressed on. "You guys never attended a magic school. And you're hiding something, something about your fathers."

Nico shot him a dirty look. "Stay out of our business, Harry, you don't want to become enemies with us."

Harry snorted at the short, pale, scrawny boy in front of him. "What will you do then, stab me?"

Nico smirked. "Percy and Jason have more experience with weapons than I do. And anyway, we have Annabeth with us. I doubt that Hermione is more smarter than her."

"So you're bringing in Hermione too? Well, just so you know, Hermione is the smartest witch in Hogwarts. A hundred time smarter than your stupid, blonde friend." Harry didn't want to sound like Malfoy but maybe that would make them more furious and get them into further more trouble. And maybe he could get more information from them.

Percy said something to Nico in the same ancient language Nico spoke in on the train.

He got out his pen from his pocket and regarded Harry with a loathing look on his face. He uncapped the pen and a sword sprung out on his hand.

Harry immediately took out his wand to defend himself.

"If you want to say something about Annabeth then say it to her face," he spat. "And about her being stupid, if only you knew who she was."

Nico warned Percy speaking in the same language again. The Gryffindor grudgingly capped his sword and it once again transformed into a ballpoint pen.

Percy shot Harry a murderous look. The three glared at each other one more time and the Americans walked away from him.

{-} Leo {-}

By then Leo has transformed his part of the Ravenclaw dorm room into his own workshop. Like literally all sorts of things you find in a workshop laid around: hammers, wires, measuring tools, duct tape etc etc.

The other Ravenclaws barely told him anything about the mess he made so they didn't really care. Okay, maybe they did care. But they also enjoyed the stuff he built. He also promised to make them something by the end of the year. See how amazing he was?

"Oh my gods, Leo!" Annabeth exclaimed as she entered the dorm room. "Did you just transform the Ravenclaw boys' dormitory into a miniature Bunker 9?"

"Uh you're a girl," Michael Corner noted who was a Ravenclaw in Leo's dorm, "You're not really supposed to be here."

Annabeth shot him a look which immediately made him shut up.

She went up to Leo and whispered to him, "Percy and Nico finished detention. We're making a demigod meeting."

"Okay, fine, I'm coming," he muttered as he reluctantly placed his half done invention on his bed.

Annabeth frowned when she noticed it. "What's that?"

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