22. Everyone Accepts People from the LGB- Oh Wait, Never Mind

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{-} Ron {-}

The next morning, the day after the sorting, the Daily Prophet arrived at Harry, Ron and Hermione's table. Hermione smoothed the newspaper and glanced at the title. Ron was about to take a bite from his pancakes when he suddenly heard Hermione let loose a yelp.

"What?" Harry and Ron asked together.

For an answer she spread the newspaper in front of Harry and Ron and pointed at ten photographs. Each picture was labeled with the name of the wizard or witch and the crime they committed.

Ron read through the names and the crimes, seemingly these were all Death Eaters.

Hermione nudged Harry and pointed at the heading over the pictures, which Ron forgot to read.


"Black?" said Harry loudly. "Not-?"

Harry was soon cut off by a voice behind him.

"What about being black?"

Ron turned to see Alex with her arms crossed, looking quite annoyed.

The only time Alex spoke to them was when she informed them to use she/her pronouns when addressing her. It came out weird to Ron, he had never seen or heard a person like that before. But as Alex was coming from the future things must've changed- a lot.

Harry frowned, confused, then it seemed to dawn to him what Alex meant. "Oh! I don't mean black as, you know, skin colour or whatever. It's just I know someone whose surname is Black."

"Black? That's a weird surname to have," was Alex's response. She plopped down on the empty seat next to them and read the newspaper.

Ron glanced at Hermione. Students weren't allowed to sit on tables that didn't belong to their house. It was the Prefect's duty to see that that rule is obeyed among students. By the look on Hermione's face, she was definitely going to say something to Alex.

A few curious looks were sent towards their way. It was weird seeing other students breaking that rule. The Great Hall was almost empty cause it was still early so Alex sitting at the Gryffindor table was more noticeable. She must've been the only one from the other demigods who was at the Great Hall at this time.

But before Hermione could say anything Harry spoke about something which was much more important than students sitting at the wrong table. "Fudge is blaming the breakout on Sirius."

"What other options does he have?" said Hermione, her attention was all on the newspaper now. "He can hardly say, 'Sorry, everyone, Dumbledore warned me this might happen, the Akzaban guards have joined Lord Voldemort'- stop whimpering, Ron-"

That name being spoken out loud still bothered Ron, even that now both Harry and Hermione were addressing You-Know-Who by his real name it still made him feel uncomfortable.

"-and now Voldemort's worst supporters have broken out, too," Hermione continued. "I mean, he has spent a good six months telling everyone you and Dumbledore are liars, hasn't he?"

"Sounds like a nice guy," Alex decided, taking a bite out of an apple. "I should go to the Slither table now, a bunch of students are giving me the stink eye and if that Snape guy hasn't been paying too much attention to the newspaper he'd be sending me away while zapping spells behind me. So, adios."

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