26. BRB, Gotta Go Destroy Some Plumbing

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{-} Leo {-}

One thing that Leo learned from his time at Hogwarts was that Harry's plans suck. When they used to plan something during their Argo II voyage it usually worked, mostly because it was Annabeth with all the serious planning but still- he's praying that he'll never be included in one of Harry's plans ever again.

Dear person who is reading about how amazing Leo Valdez is (you must have good taste), you must be wondering: Leo, you smart and intelligent Supersized McShizzle, what the heck are you talking about?

Well, it all started when he and Percy were making their way to the Kitchen. (Percy wanted to tell the house elves there to start making more blue food like blue cookies. Leo had nothing else to do so he went with him.) When going there they ran into Ron, looking anything but thrilled.

When Ron spotted them he seemed to relax. "Thank goodness, I was hoping that I would find one of you guys."

Percy frowned when he noticed the state Ron was in. "Anything wrong?"

"I don't have time to explain," Ron said, frantically observing the corridor they were in, it was like he was worried that someone might be watching them. "I need you guys to cause some type of confusion for a distraction. Like using some of those powers you have."

"I can set Umbridge's office on fire if you want," Leo suggested with a smirk. He always wanted to do that, the expression on Umbridge's face would be priceless.

"No!" Ron exclaimed suddenly, turning out to be louder than he intended it to be. "Don't do anything in there! Maybe Percy can destroy the plumbing of the boys' bathroom? That would work and it would be safer. But get away immediately after you do that, cause I'll be telling Umbridge."

"Great, I'm experienced in that," Percy said with a grin.

Count on Percy to do all the special honours.

Before any of them could say another word, Ron was already making his way to Umbridge's office which wasn't very far from here.

"Come on, we have to get to the bathroom," Percy told Leo, turning to the corridor that was the fastest rout they could take.

They both fought their way through the crowds of students. Who knew how annoying students learning magic could be? They were soon in front of the entrance of the boys' bathroom. Luckily, there were no students in sight, but Leo doubted their luck would expand much more.

"Do your thing, Water Boy," Leo teased, earning a scowl from Percy.

Percy closed his eyes to concentrate. After a few seconds Leo heard an explosion coming from the bathroom, followed with a set of other explosions. He could also make out the faint sound of water hitting the bathroom floor.

"That's going to give Filch some work to do," Leo noted, his mouth curling into a smirk.

Percy shrugged. "If he found out that we were in the bottom of this-"

"Yeah, yeah, some good old torturing by grandpa," Leo said, remembering what Harry had told them about when he found out that Umbridge gave Filch permission to hit students.

As if on cue, Filch's voice could be heard from the corridor Leo and Percy came from, making them immediately stop talking.

They exchanged worried glances, and a clear message passed between them, even though they didn't say anything. The only thing they could do at that moment was run, and run they did.

Leo took off, he was in full running mode now, no way he was going to let Filch hit him with gods know what.

But when he turned to another corridor he spotted a crowd of his friends there. They were all in front of the Room of Requirement- surely something happened. But that wasn't what was troubling Leo: he didn't have enough time to stop his legs. The only solution he could come up with in that split second was to run into one of his friends. And yes, that happened.

Will turned in the nick of time, however it was too late for him to react. So naturally as any other person would do when they see someone coming at them, Will's face shifted to one of surprise and Leo ran into him at full force.

{-} Annabeth {-}

"Well, Will, I bet your first question has been answered," Alex pointed out when Will and Leo were standing on their two legs once again.

Annabeth's friends all wore different expressions: Alex, Nico and Piper were trying to straighten their faces. Jason, Frank and Hazel didn't look startled, considering the fact that Leo was the one who ran into Will. Percy looked as confused as ever, for he had arrived after the accident happened while Magnus was looking concerned.

Will managed to crack half a smile. "I'm fine, that was nothing, I've gotten worse in Capture the Flag. But that's not important." Will turned to face Leo and Percy. "Annabeth, Jason and Piper discovered something."

Jason explained to both Percy and Leo on what they encountered while exploring the passage. Percy and Leo's faces turned more stern on any new piece of information Jason gave them.

"That's no the only thing that happened," Percy pointed out when Jason finished with his side of the story. "Leo and I met Ron and he was planning to distract Umbridge. So I destroyed the plumbing of the boys' bathroom, they're probably planning on doing something in Umbridge's office."

"Thank you, Mr Jackson, for confirming your plan," a voice said from behind them.

Annabeth didn't even need to turn to know who said those words. She turned slowly, from what she could see all her friend's faces were a mask of horror, Percy and some other even cursed, Annabeth didn't blame them for doing that.

Umbridge was standing in front of them, wearing a proud smile, with her were a bunch of smirking Slytherins waiting for her command to react.

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