11. Voldemort has a Crush on Horcruxes

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{-} Annabeth {-}

"Umbridge, High Inquisitor?" Annabeth said in disgust when her Ravenclaw friend, Cho, showed her the Daily Prophet during Breakfast.

Cho glared at the newspaper. "Says here that she's a success at teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts. We're not even learning anything except for reading nonsense."

"So this means that Umbridge has control over the rules?" Annabeth asked as Cho set down the newspaper on the table.

Cho nodded. "It also means that she's going to inspect the Professors."

Who knows what Umbridge will do now that she got the power over most things at Hogwarts? She couldn't even stand that thought.

Annabeth was about to take a sip from her tea when suddenly a small barn owl landed in front of her with a letter tied to it's leg.

She gaped at it for some time but then it occurred to her that wizards usually get mail from owls. But who'd be sending her letters?

She untied the letter from the owl's leg and opened it.

Dear Ms Chase,

I would like to speak to you and your friends. Preferably at six o'clock in my office. It is located in the Headmaster's Tower, accessed through Gargoyle Corridor. Please tell your other friends about this.


Professor Dumbledore

P.S. The password is 'Fizzing Wizzbees.'


"Fizzing Wizzbees," Annabeth said in front of the statue of a gargoyle.

Nothing happened for a moment.

"Uh... did Professor Dumbledore give you the wrong password or something?" Percy asked, coming next to her.

As if on cue the gargoyle in front of Annabeth came to life.

"Oh my gods!" Leo yelped as he scooted away from the gargoyle.

The gargoyle stepped aside, revealing a moving stone staircase.

"Guess it was the right password," Piper said with a smirk.

The six of them climbed the staircase, arriving in a large circular room.

Portraits hung on the walls of many different wizards. Annabeth guessed that they were portraits of old Headmasters and Headmistresses. There were stacks full of books. In the middle of the room was a desk. Behind it sat an elderly man with long silver hair and a long beard, wizard style.

Jason stepped forward in a respectful way and lowered his head. "Professor Dumbledore."

Professor Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled behind his glasses. "You can just call me Dumbledore, Mr Grace. Now, to get straight to the point how is your quest going on?"

Nico examined Dumbledore, probably trying to figure out if he should trust the old professor. "We're still trying to figure out the location of the door, sir, the goddess Hecate hinted that a student would lead us there."

Dumbledore nodded. "Have you figured out who this student might be?"

"We think we know who he is," Annabeth answered. "Although, I think he suspects that we're here at Hogwarts to cause trouble."

Dumbledore turned to Annabeth. "Who is this student, Ms Chase?"

"Harry Potter," she said, meeting his eyes. "If I'm not mistaken he's famous about something."

"Yes, he is in fact," Dumbledore agreed. "Have any of you heard of Lord Voldemort or as most wizards call him, 'He Who Must Not Be Named'?"

Percy nodded. "I overheard some Gryffindors talking about him. Something about him coming back."

"Well, Voldemort was once a student at this school, I taught him myself," Dumbledore explained. "He became a Dark Wizard later on, killed lots of muggles and wizards. There was a prophecy that foretold the coming of a boy who would have the power to vanquish him."

"Let me guess," Leo interrupted. "Voldemort heard about this prophecy and he tried to meddle with fate."

Dumbledore nodded grimly. "I'm afraid that is correct. Voldemort wanted to kill that boy. He got the information that the child of the prophecy might be Harry and he tried to find him. When he succeeded in finding his location he killed both the boy's parents. When he casted the killing curse on Harry Voldemort's body somehow got destroyed."

An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

"And Voldemort is back now?" Jason asked.

"Yes, Harry fought him last year. Although the Ministry are accusing him of lying." Dumbledore sighed.

"But how can he be back?" Piper demanded. "I mean, he couldn't have escaped from the Doors of Death. Gaea opened them in the future. In the 20th Century."

It was weird thinking of them living way more in the future. If they lived at this time the Titan War wouldn't even have happened. Neither the war with the Giants.

"I never said that Voldemort died," Dumbledore said.

Percy frowned. "But how could Voldemort have survived if his body got destroyed?"

"Horcruxes." Dumbledore faced Nico. "I believe Mr di Angelo has heard of them."

Nico nodded. "Father mentioned them once. Both he and Thanatos hates Horcruxes. Thanatos said that they made his job harder. I don't know how it's made, though."

"A Horcrux is made by a wizard splitting his soul in half," Dumbledore explained. "He would hide the other part of his soul in objects. This made him immortal unless the object got destroyed."

"So Voldemort split his soul in half. That's why he couldn't die, he had anther living soul," Annabeth realised.

"Yes, but I suspect that Voldemort has split his soul more than one time," Dumbledore said. "The more he splits his soul in half, the less mortal he becomes."

"That's kinda disturbing," Percy pointed out, grimacing.

Dumbledore nodded. "I agree, but you must not tell anybody about this information. Especially not Harry," the wizard insisted.

"We swear on the River Styx that we shall not tell anyone about what was said in this room," Annabeth said, glancing at her friends to see if any of them objected. They all were nodding.

It thundered, the oath has been made.

Dumbledore smiled. "I hope that you'll find this information of Voldemort useful. Be careful of his followers, the Death Eaters. I predict that you'll meet them when you're at the door."

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