6. Harry Does not Like Weapons

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{-} Harry {-}

Tump, tump, tump.

Harry opened his eyes, the light blinding him.

He reached out his hand for his glasses on the bed-side table and put them on. Thank God, he could see clearly now.

Harry sat up from his bed and examined the dormitory for the source of the tumping sound.

His eyes fell on Percy's bed, Jason was whacking him with a pillow.

Percy groaned. "Why do we have to wake up so early? Leave me in peace, Grace!"

Jason smiled apologetically at Harry as if saying "I'm sorry that you have to bear the laziness of my cousin."

Harry would have almost laughed at the scene, if he didn't suspect that these two new students were carrying weapons.

He examined the room even more checking if there was anyone else in the dormitory. Great, by his luck the only ones there were him, Percy and Jason.

"Well then, if you wont wake up all the blue food will probably be eaten." Jason shook his head with fake sympathy.

Blue food? Harry thought.

But that seemed to do the trick. "Nobody is going to eat my blue food!" Percy yelped. He abruptly leaped out of his bed and closed the curtains.

Jason chuckled and went to pack his bag.

Harry slowly got out of his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Maybe he'll ask about the blue food next time.

He was going to close the curtains around his bed so that he could change but he froze when he caught something shining from Jason's bag... the shining light of a blade.

He had to tell Hermione and Ron about this.

Percy stepped out of the curtains, now wearing the red Gryffindor robes. "Can we go now?" he asked, as if Jason was the one who didn't want to get out of bed.

Wow, what was the deal of blue food for that guy?

Jason closed his bag, smiling. "Come on, Water Boy."

"Don't you dare get any ideas from Leo," Percy insisted as he and Jason exited the Dorm Room.

{-} Ron {-}

"Americans don't play Quidditch, and you two never rode a broom?!" Ron exclaimed after he asked Jason and Percy about Quidditch.

Percy shook his head. "I don't feel comfortable being so high in the sky and we don't use brooms that much."

Ron gaped at him.

He was going to ask about something else but then he saw Harry enter the Great Hall. He waved at him so that he could join them.

"What took you so long?" Hermione demanded as he sat next to Ron.

"I lost track of time," Harry muttered as he grabbed a piece of toast. He glanced at Percy and Jason. "I need to talk to you two, in private."


"Jason has a sword too?!" Hermione asked, after Harry explained everything while they were walking to the History of Magic classroom.

"They look like they're hiding something too," Ron said. "Like Hermione, remember when we asked them about their family?"

Hermione nodded. "They looked at each other as if not knowing what to say. Then Jason told us that their fathers were brothers. We asked them about their fathers but they pretended to not have heard."

Harry frowned. "Why did you two even ask them about their family? That might've sounded suspicious."

Ron shrugged. "We thought we could get some infor-" he stopped. He was suddenly aware that there were some people talking in an American accent in the next corridor.

Harry and Hermione seemed to have heard the voices too as they both wore a puzzled expression.

Harry gestured for them to get closer to the voices so that they could hear what they were talking about.

"It must be Harry, if the ghosts started to whisper more to Nico when he saw him on the train. It's definitely him," Piper's voice insisted.

"Ghosts been acting strange around me, too," Nico muttered. "It's getting quite annoying."

Leo shrugged. "That's probably because you're the son of-" his voice got cut off with lots of shushing from the others.

There was some awkward silence.

"We should get to class now, we can't get in trouble on our first day," Annabeth suggested, deciding to break the silence.

The Americans agreed and they went to their classes according to their timetables.

Harry, Ron and Harry stayed there a bit longer to make sure that nobody was there.

Harry's suspicions were correct, the new students were up to something.

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