35. Lying is Bad, Truth is Good

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{-} Will {-}

  Even though both Will and Magnus had treated those who had gotten hurt, Madam Pomfrey still forced most of them to stay at the Infirmary. Will even had to stay the night there because he was over exhausted, maybe it was because he was struggling to bring everyone else conscious at the Department, at least magic and ambrosia had worked. But still, it did not sit well for him. He wasn't used to be the one staying at the Infirmary. And apparently a lot had happened at the Ministry of Magic after they left.

  From what Will understood from Harry's explanation, Voldemort confronted him, and if it wasn't for Dumbledore he would be as good as dead. Voldemort and Dumbledore later had an epic boss battle, which resulted of Voldemort fleeing after the Ministry workers spotted him. The thing that Voldemort wanted was a prophecy about him and Harry, which was that glass orb Harry was carrying around. At the end, Harry broke it so that meant no prophecy for Dark Evil wizard. Fortunately, Dumbledore knew the prophecy by heart. 

  The news has spread that Voldemort was back, which was another victory for them. However, Voldemort was still on the loose and Will and his friends didn't manage to stop him. Another problem? They still had the matter of the Doors of Death, so they decided to hold one of their demigod meeting in the Room of Requirement.

  They were all seated on any type of object they could sit on, like tables, the floor, cushions and chairs.  The only one standing was Annabeth, pacing around the room and muttering under her breath.

  "Uh...Annabeth? Shouldn't you be sharing your thought with your fellow demigods? We would love to know what you're thinking," Percy said, when the silence from their side became unbearable.

  Annabeth turned to them, her face flushing red. "Oh right, sorry. It's just that...why would Hecate side with Voldemort when she knows that he could very much destroy the world she created? It doesn't make sense. The thing he promised her must've been really important for her."

  "But what would a powerful goddess want?" Piper asked. "I doubt Voldemort could do much to please her."

  "That would be power and recognition, Piper McLean," a female voice said from behind them, which sounded too familiar.

  They all turned their heads to the direction the voice came from. But there was nothing, the area looked just like it had before, with the bookshelves there untouched.

  "Hecate?" Frank called out in unison. They all knew who that voice belonged to.

  "I'm right here," the voice said again, filling the room with it's echo. But that couldn't be possible, the room they were in wasn't circular.

  "She's there." Hazel pointed to the space next to Annabeth, glaring furiously. "Show yourself."

  In fact, the goddess appeared just where Hazel pointed. Annabeth took a step backwards in surprise, and everyone else stood up in defence. They were all still wary of Hecate, after what she did to them. She looked different from the last time they saw her at the Big House. This time she was wearing a witch robe, in her blonde hair's place was curly dark auburn hair which went all the way down to her waist. Her features were also less sharper. However, her eyes were still the same, showing no white and she still had deadly pale skin. So no, Will still did not like the sudden glow up.

  "Your skill never ceases to amaze me, Hazel," Hecate said, with a proud look on her face, failing to hide it.

  "What do you want?" Nico demanded, going closer to Hazel. Great, he was on 'big protective brother' mode. (Well, technically, Hazel was older than him cause she was from the 1920s and Nico from the 1930s, but whatever).

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