21. No Falafel = An Angry Magnus

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{-} Magnus {-}

  Magnus hated this place already. He spent half of what was left of lunch searching for falafel on every table he could find. But there was nothing; not even a single heavenly ball of falafel.

  While on his search he had gotten some suspicious looks being directed towards him and Alex. Probably because they were not wearing the school robes. You know, it's quite hard to roam around a giant room full of plain, mostly British students. Plus, to add it all up he was with a green haired person. (Looking at you, Alex)

  After that horrible experience he and Alex found Hazel and Frank so that they both could explain to them all of the information Professor Dumbledore had given them while they were on a fading emergency. The only thing that he had known before was that he and the others were going to be sorted into these house things. Apparently Hecate wasn't a person who explained things very well. At least now Magnus knew most of the things that happen at Hogwarts.

  And now here he was during Dinner, with his robes (which he did not take a fancy to) waiting to be sorted with Hazel, Frank, Will and Alex.

  A very, very, very ancient looking man with a beard that seriously needed to have a cut stood up from his chair. He tapped his goblet with a spoon to get everybody's attention. The chatting in the hall soon died down and all the student's faces were turned to the old man. Clearly he was an important figure at Hogwarts.

  The man gave the students a warm smile and started to speak. "As you all probably know, this year we had some exchange students from America. This project so far has been going splendidly, so we've come to a decision to bring in five more students. Please treat these new pupils with respect by giving them a warm welcome."

  He paused, examining the expressions of the students closest to him.

  "As tradition these students must be sorted into their houses. Professor McGonagall, if you please."

  A woman, that must've been Professor McGonagall, got up from her chair and placed a three-legged stool in the front of the Great Hall, bringing along a scroll and a hat.

  If Blitzen had to wear that hat he would totally freak out. The hat was just like those hats that wizards used to wear in those picture story books Magnus' mum used to read to him. It had a pointy end and it looked like it had been used for centuries- which it probably had.

  "I will be reading out loud the names of the students. When you hear your name being called please come forward and take your seat on the stool," instructed Professor McGonagall, looking directly at the back of the hall where Magnus and the other demigods were standing.

  The Professor opened the scroll and called the first name. "Chase, Magnus!"

  Of course, it had to be him.

  He went towards the stool, feeling all the stares of the students on him. He spotted Annabeth in a crowd of students, under a blue banner with a symbol of a crow. She gave him a thumbs up and mouthed something that he couldn't understand at all. Well, he should better focus on avoiding to perform one of his 'Magnus flopping' acts than paying attention to what Annabeth wanted to say to him.

  He had finally arrived to the stool. He sat on it's rough surface and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head.

  "Who is this now?" a voice said, Magnus guessed that it was the hat's voice, coming from his head.

  "Do all objects really have to talk? I already have a very annoying sword. Now hats can talk too?" Magnus's very intelligent and reasonable response was.

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