27. Apparently, Umbridge has a Crush on Potions Too

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{-} Annabeth {-}

  Yep, it felt exactly like that time when they got in trouble for the DA Group, but this time was worse. Why? Annabeth saw all of her friends being gagged and dragged to Umbridge's office, one Slytherin carrying two of them. She felt a sense of helplessness- but it wasn't only that, some of her friends got frozen by gods know what spell for trying to escape from the Slytherin's grasp. Using powers was out of the question too, they didn't want to reveal who they were to Umbridge and the Slytherins.

  Annabeth knew better than to struggle against the Slytherin that held her. Even if she somehow did manage to escape, they could still freeze her. Also, they already violated the rule of not telling anyone that they were demigods, she didn't want to tell more people about their parents. Instead of finding a way to escape Annabeth had to plan how to get rid of Umbridge, that way they would get the chance to talk to Harry, Ron and Hermione about their discovery.

  Thy arrived at Umbridge's office after a few minutes full of struggling. She was definitely not prepared for the room decorations. Percy had mentioned to her how pink the room was, but she wasn't ready to face the drastic change from the grey stone walls of the corridors and rooms to a bright pinkish room.

  However, the room wasn't the only thing that uneased her. Inside there were Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville, recognising Ginny and Neville from their DA sessions and Luna from the Ravenclaw Dorm.

  The wizards all froze in surprise when they spotted them. Luna, Neville and Ginny wore matching confused faces, probably because they barely knew them, they didn't even talk that much together back in the Dumbledore Army days.

  "Splendid, now we have everyone here," Umbridge said calmly, taking her place into a chintz-covered armchair as the Slytherins moved the demigods into the room.

  Annabeth racked her brain for a plan, she usually managed to come up with one whenever they were in a dangerous situation, weirdly enough she couldn't. Magic and the Slytherins guarding the doors made it even more impossible to escape or to even get rid of Umbridge. Annabeth could feel herself panicking now, but she couldn't let panic cloud her vision, she had to stay calm and aware of what was happening.

  "So, Potter," Umbridge began, her gaze on Harry. "You stationed lookouts around my office and sent this buffoon," she nodded at Ron, which made Malfoy let loose a laugh, "to tell me that the boys' bathroom was flooding with water, and to hide the fact that it was fake, you got the Jackson boy to destroy the plumbing. You really do think that I wouldn't see straight through a lie- especially when I got Stealth Sensoring Spells placed all around my doorway after that Niffler somehow entered my office? Clearly, it was very important for you to talk to someone. Was it Albus Dumbledore? Or the half-breed Hagrid? I doubt it was Minevra McGonagall, I hear she is too ill to talk to anyone."

  Malfoy and some of the other members of the Inquisitorial Squad laughed some more at that remark. Annabeth remembered what Hermione had told her about what had happened during their Astrology exam, how Professor McGonagall got hit by four stunning spells in the chest for attempting to defend Hagrid when he was being sacked. The image of that happening left a bitter taste in Annabeth's mouth.

  "It's none of your business to know who I talk to," Harry snarled back at Umbridge.

  Umbridge's slack face seemed to tighten.

  "Very well," she said in her most dangerous and falsely sweet voice. "Very well, Mr Potter... I offered you a chance to tell me freely. You refused. I have no alternative but to force you. Draco- fetch Professor Snape. Till he gets here I have other matters that I have to attend to."

  Umbridge turned to Annabeth and her friends with an evil glint in her eyes. She waited for Malfoy to depart the room before she started, "I hope you do know that I wouldn't take long to find out that there are non-wizards here at Hogwarts."

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