15. Amazhang Grace!!! (Excuse the Pun)

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{-} Percy {-}

  Percy was enjoying his time swimming in the Black Lake early in the morning, until he was interrupted by Jason the blond superman.

  Percy knew that it was the middle of December and that anyone who would see him swimming would probably think that he was mental. But he really wanted to talk to the sea creatures in the lake. Including Steve the giant squid (yes, his name is Steve). He had been swimming since midnight which made him feel much more better and more relaxed.

  He was talking to these fish so he could try and get information about their quest when Jason fell from the sky and caused a big explosion of bubbles that made the fish swim away in terror.

  "Dude, you scared away my fish!" Percy exclaimed.

  He grabbed Jason and pulled him up to prevent him from sinking to the bottom of the lake and gave him an oxygen bubble so that he could breath.

  Jason gasped in his air-bubble, thankful that he could now breath. "Harry is gone, so are the Weasleys and Hermione."

  "Wait, what?!" Percy gaped. "How did they-"

  "We were going to go ask Dumbledore," Jason interrupted. "The others told me to come get you."

  Did they go to the place where the Doors are? This early?

  Percy cursed under his breath. He should've been more alert. He took hold of Jason and willed the current to take them both to the surface.

  When they were back on land Jason dried himself by using the winds and they sprinted to the castle.

  They met their friends in front of Dumbledore's office who all looked grim.

  "Took you two long enough," Annabeth muttered.

  "Hey don't blame me," Percy complained. "I was busy talking to Steve!"

  "Uh guys, can we stop talking so we wont waste more time," Leo said eying the gargoyle. "Please and thank you."

  Nico nodded and stepped forward. "Fizzing Wizzbees."

  Luckily, the Headmaster didn't change the password. The gargoyle stepped on the side revealing the staircase which lead to Dumbledore's office.

  They climbed the staircase until they reached the office.

  This time Dumbledore wasn't sitting next to his desk but he was standing in front of this thing filled with water. The peculiar thing was that the water looked kind of different from normal water. It set off a bluish aura and Percy could sense that this liquid was not common.

  Percy was going to ask about it but when Dumbledore turned. He looked really troubled by the expression on his face.

  "I was going to call you all so that you could come here. But I see that you came on your own," the Professor said while walking towards his desk.

  "Professor, we couldn't find Harry this morning. We have no idea where he went," Piper said though Percy doubted that Dumbledore wasn't aware of this.

  Dumbledore nodded, he didn't seem to have the usual twinkle in his blue eyes. "He went back to the house he was staying at during summer. Something happened this night which I took a decision to send him and his friends to this place."

  They didn't press him on to tell them about what happened. Dumbledore's expression seemed to tell them that he will not be explaining in any more depth.

  "Wait." Leo frowned. "How come Jason and Percy have heard nothing about this? I mean they're in the same dormitory and all."

  "Oh Styx, I was out swimming all night and of course by my amazing luck I've chosen this night to go." Percy groaned. "Weren't you in the dorm though, Jason?"

  Jason reddened. Percy also noticed that Piper took sudden interest in her shoelaces.

  "Ahh, I see." Leo grinned, noticing the couple's discomfort. "You two have pulled another Percy and Annabeth stunt."

  Now it was time for Percy to turn red. Once on their voyage on the Argo II he and Annabeth snuck out at night to send some time alone. Which resulted in being 'grounded' by Coach Hedge.

  "Why were you going to call us here, Professor?" Annabeth asked, clearly wanting to change the subject.

  Dumbledore smiled. They guy was probably enjoying the scene in front of him. "I know that you six aren't really supposed to reveal your little secret."

  Percy didn't know how little their secret was.

  "But I think it's best that you should reveal it," Dumbledore continued.

  Nico's eyes widened. "You don't mean-"

Dumbledore nodded grimly. "You should reveal that you are demigods to Harry, Ron and Hermione."

  An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

  Dumbledore seemed to notice the demigods' hesitancy. "Remember, you were revealed to the Wizarding World without being wizards. I imagine it wouldn't hurt if only three students know about this," Dumbledore said. "I imagine there are some mortals that know about the existence of the gods."

  Wow, this guy was good. It was true that a mortal knew about demigods: Rachel.

  Piper shrugged. "I mean it could help us on our quest."

  Jason nodded uneasily. "That might gain their trust. They might stop accusing us for being evil and all of that nonsense."

  Dumbledore smiled. "Wonderful, you should tell them now. I assume they'll have quite a shock when they'll see you appear to you should disarm them quickly."

  "Uh, excuse me," Nico said, "but how will we go there?"

  Dumbledore pointed at the fireplace. "The Floo Network."

  "What?" Annabeth asked wearing a confused expression.

  "It's a type of transportation for wizards," Dumbledore explained. He went up to a pot next to the fireplace and took a handful of some glittery powder. "This is Floo Powder, you have to step into the fire and drop the poweder. Then you must say 'Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place' very clearly. It's important to keep your elbows close to your body while travelling."

  Percy didn't want to ask what would happen if he didn't do that.

  Leo rubbed his hands and grinned. "This is now my favourite use of transportation- well maybe after Festus."

  He got the floo powder and stepped into the roaring flame. "Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, Leo said as he dropped the powder into the fire. It suddenly turned into an emerald green colour which reminded Percy too much of Greek fire. The fire shot up which covered Leo's whole body, when it returned to it's normal orange flame Leo was no longer visible.

  Easy for the guy to do. He was immune to fire, he didn't have to worry about being burned to a crisp.

  "Well then, who's next?" Dumbledore said, now with a twinkle in his eyes.

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