14. Nico becomes BFFs with Skeletal-Horses

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{-} Harry {-}

  Harry's fifth year has become the worst fifth year in Hogwarts history. And Umbridge was not helping.

  So yesterday he, Ron, Fred and George got a life-long ban from playing Quidditch by no other than Umbridge.

  The only good news was that Hagrid was back, although he looked horrible with lots of bruises and scars.


  "We're workin' in here today!" Hagrid called happily to the students during Care of Magical Creatures class. Usually these classes were held outside of Hagrid's Hut but this time they were going to be in the Forbidden Forest.

  "Bit more sheltered!" Hagrid continued to say. "Anyway, they prefer the dark!"

  "What prefers the dark?" Harry heard Malfoy say sharply to Crabbe and Goyle.

  Hagrid decided to ignore that comment. "Right, well, I've been savin' a trip inter the Forest fer yer fifth year. Thought we'd go an' see these creatures in their natural habitat. Now, what we're studyin' today is pretty rare, I reckon I'm probably the on'y person in Britian who's managed ter train 'em."

  "And you're sure they're trained, are you?" asked Malfoy, the panic in his voice even more pronounced. "Only it wouldn't be the first time you'd brought wild stuff to class, would it?"

  Some students muttered agreement.

  "Course they're trained," said Hagrid, scowling and hoisting the dead cow a little higher on his shoulder.

  "So what happened to your face, then?" demanded Malfoy.

  "Mind yer own business!" said Hagrid, angrily. "Now, if yeh've finished askin' stupid questions, follow me!"

  He turned and strode straight into the Forest. Nobody seemed mush disposed to follow except for the new students who went in right after Hagrid. They probably didn't even know how dangerous the forest could be.

  The walked for about ten minutes until they reached a place where the trees stood so closely together that it was pitch black and there was no snow at all on the ground. With a grunt, Hagrid deposited his half a cow on the ground, stepped back and turned to face his class.

  "Gather roun', gather roun'," Hagrid encouraged. "Now, they'll be attracted by the smell o' the meat but I'm goin' ter give 'em a call anyway, 'cause they'll like to know it's me."

  He turned and gave an odd, shrieking cry that echoed through the dark trees like the call of some monstrous bird.

  Hagrid gave the shrieking cry again. A minute passed, the class continued to peer nervously over their shoulders and around trees for a first glimpse of whatever it was that was coming. And then, as Hagrid shook his hair back for a third time and expanded his enormous chest to call for the creature again Harry nudged Ron and pointed into the black space between two gnarled yew trees.

  A pair of black, white, shining eyes were growing larger through the gloom and a moment later the dragonish face, neck and then skeletal body of a great, black, winged horse emerged from the darkness. It looked around the class until it's eyes fell on Nico.

  It stepped forward towards the Slytherin student and lowered it's head as if greeting him.

  Nico didn't seem fazed by this. He nodded at the horse and it nuzzled him.

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