3. We go on a Choo Choo Train

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{-} Percy {-}

  When Percy was going through the barrier he thought: "Percy, you idiot, what are you doing, trusting a stranger who told you to go through a barrier?!"

  Well, when he had that thought it was too late.

  He braced himself and closed his eyes. But when he reopened them he realised that he wasn't in the station anymore.

  "Come on, Seaweed Brain. We're going to be late!" With no doubt, that was Annabeth who spoke.

  He followed her while examining his surroundings.

  There were lots of people everywhere, he could barely make his way around. But the most astonishing thing of all was the gigantic red train with the words 'Hogwarts Express.'

  Leo came next to him and snorted. "Who names a school Hogwarts?"

  Before Percy could respond, a big, jet black dog ran in front of his trolley.

  "Woah!" Percy yelped as he abruptly stopped his trolley. The others stopped too, checking if he was alright.

   The dog ran towards his owner, a black haired fifteen-year-old boy with round glasses.

  With a jolt, Percy realised that the man they had met before, Mad Eye-Moody, was talking to the boy.

  "Oh, there you six are," Mad-Eye said. "Harry, these are some new Hogwarts students I met at the station. Now come on, Molly, Lupin, Tonks and Arthur are probably waiting for you."

 Mad-Eye Moody nodded once at the demigods. Harry glanced at them and hurried off. What a nice welcome from him.

  Annabeth looked at the time and crossed her arms. "If we're going to keep up with this pace we're going to miss the train."


  They finally settled in a compartment (yes, the train had individual rooms). Leo was upside down on his chair tinkering with some of his gears, how he managed to do that while upside down, Percy had no idea. Annabeth took out a book from the bags Hecate had packed for them and tried her best to read it while Nico was looking out of the window. On the other hand, he, Jason and Piper were playing a game called 'Exploding Snap', which, thank the gods, Hecate had packed for them. Although the cards exploded, they gotten used to it.

  "Well the quest is going great so far, " Jason finally broke the silence after they finished the game.

  "Don't jinx it," Leo said, still concentrating on the thing he was building. They all knew that whenever someone decided to say something positive like, "Yay, there aren't any monsters right now!" things tend to go bad.

  Annabeth looked up from her book. "This says that Hogwarts is covered by a barrier so that muggles, aka people who don't practice magic, can't see the school. I think Hecate added it there for monsters too, so they probably can't attack us."

  There was a sigh of relief from the others, monsters always made their quest ten times harder.

  "When will we arrive?" Percy asked.

  Annabeth opened her mouth to speak but a voice from outside their compartment beat her to it. "Eight more hours."

  They looked up and saw a curly, bushy haired girl. Behind her was a red-haired, freckled boy and the other boy they met before getting on the train, Harry.

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