16. Not Feeling Very Godly at the Moment

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{-} Harry {-}

  Harry was going to go to bed with Ron and Hermione after a horrible night, before they heard a loud 'bang' coming from the kitchen which made them stop dead in their tracks.

  "What was that?" whispered Ron who was paling.

  Hermione got out her wand and crept towards the door that led to the kitchen careful not to make a sound.

  You would say that good friends would stick together. But after a night of thinking that he almost killed Mr Weasley? He decided to stay there and wait for a signal from Hermione. Ron seemed to think the same way as Harry as he stayed stayed next to him with his wand held.

  Hermione pulled open the door with caution and stepped in. "Hello?" she called. When she though that the coast was clear she seemed to relax. Then she suddenly got pulled to the side, she tried to scream but her screams were stifled.

  "Hermione!" yelled Ron.

  Harry couldn't register what just happened. It had all happened so suddenly. Thank goodness Ron had yelled, he would've stayed rooted to the spot.

  They dashed to the room which was a bad idea, but there was nothing else they could do to save Hermione. Exactly when Harry took one step inside the room he was tackled by a figure.

  His vision darkened. When it returned black spots danced around the room.

  "Don't you dare make a sound," a female voice said. A sword was pressed to his throat. Harry could make out a figure with a blonde ponytail: Annabeth.

  "Get up," she said, holding the sword threateningly.

  He decided to obey, as any other normal human being he didn't want his throat slit open. He slowly got up.

  Harry and Ron were both standing. Piper was behind Hermione holding a dagger while Jason was with Ron holding a gold sword. Both weapons were held on the two horrified wizards' throats. Percy, Leo and Nico stood next to to them. Percy and Nico were both holding their swords while Leo was holding a hammer.

  Even if Harry managed to get out of Annabeth's grasp he could still get attacked by those three. And if he called for help from the Weasleys and Sirius he would probably get his throat cut and the others would be in in danger. The door was shut so even if called for them they probably wouldn't hear him.

  "Get their wands," Percy said.

  Harry's wand laid on the floor, Annabeth grabbed it and handed it over to Percy. Hermione and Ron's wands were also taken.

  Annabeth, Jason and Piper lowered their weapons.

  "I recommend that you don't attack, you're defenceless now," Annabeth said.

  Hermione glared daggers at the blonde Ravenclaw. "Wouldn't it be fair if you aren't holding your weapons?"

  Annabeth shrugged. "Okay then."

  They took their weapons to a corner in the room. At least they were now defenceless on both sides.

  "What do you want with us?" Ron snarled, trying to mask the fear in his voice.

  Piper held up her hands. "We're not going to hurt you we just want to talk."

  "Don't listen to her!" Hermione exclaimed. "Her words can force you to do the things she wants!"

  Piper frowned. "I have no idea how you know I can charmspeak but I'm not using it nor am I going to."

  "So you admit that-" Hermione started to say.

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