19. Fun Fact: Swords can Talk

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{-} Leo {-}

  They had to go on a lovely (NOT) walk in the passage again. Luckily, Magnus and Alex kept them occupied with their side of adventures.

  In a nutshell, Magnus is the son of a god named Frey who's the god of sunshine and healing, kinda similar to Apollo. While Alex is a child of Loki, the god of trickery who Leo learned is much more different than Marvel Loki. Apparently, he escaped from this cave where he was being kept there as punishment and was on the loose. Oh also, Magnus has a talking sword, Jack, who likes signing. Naturally he didn't know the lyrics of the songs he sang.

  "Where are we going, señor?" Jack asked Magnus as he floated next to him, the runes on his blade glowing.

  "We're going to a school of magic. Didn't you hear that Greek goddess?" Magnus said.

  "Oh, Hogwarts? I met Godric Gryffindor's sword once, very handsome sword by the way. I went on a date with him once."

  "Jack, you literally fall in love with every sword you meet."

  "That's not true, Magnus, and you know it."

  "Fascinating," Leo said, coming up to Jack. "How does he work exactly? He doesn't seem to have any gears."

  "He just talks." Alex came up to Leo. "Wish he would shut up sometimes."

  "Don't break my feelings, Alex Fierro! Who are these six anyway? They don't seem dead," the sword said coming up to Leo, almost cutting his face in half.

  "And I want to stay alive, thank you very much." Leo tried moving away from the blade.

  "They're Greek and Roman demigods," Magnus explained.

  "Oh, yeah. I met Hercules once, and even Apollo." Jack went up to Will. "I'm guessing that you're his son? You look alike."

  Will's freckled face reddened. "Yeah."

  "He was a nice guy," Jack continued, not noticing Will's discomfort. "Although he prefers using archery and not swords. That was a big bummer cause I thought that his sword would be hot as Apollo since he was hot, being the god of the sun and all."

  Will's face reddened even more.

  "Jack," Magnus said, "shut up."

  Evidently, Jack's version of 'shut up' was singing 'Shake it Off.' Lets just say that Taylor Swift's lyrics and voice were much more better.

  "Can't you make your sword into that rune necklace thing again?" Percy asked Magnus, coming next to Leo.

  Magnus shook his head. "Can't. I promised him to keep him out for some time. And I can't break that promise."

  Leo grinned. "Life lesson learned, kids. Never make promises with talking swords."

  "Jack can be useful sometimes," Alex said, scrunching his nose as if not believing that he was saying those words. "Magnus can just say what he wants Jack to do, like for example, killing a giant. Then Jack goes through their noses and that's one big giant lying dead on the ground."

  Leo wasn't sure if he was joking or not. He decided not to ask.

  While they were taking their century long walk Magnus and Will had a boring, long chat about healing and their powers. On the other hand, Alex could transform into different animals, just like Frank so they too had a conversation about that. So that only left him, Percy, Hazel and Jason.

  Later on, Jack finally turned back into that rune-necklace thing that Magnus was wearing before and they Iris Messaged Annabeth so that she and the others could meet them at the Room of Requirement. Luckily, she didn't seem mad at Leo for escaping from the library/prison.

  It was about a few minutes later that they had at last reached the exit.

  "Finally, we've been waiting here for forever," Piper said smiling, with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Their friends must've showed Harry, Ron and Hermione the Demigod Meeting place as the three of them were seated next to the wooden table. Well, they were working with them now to find the Doors of Death so they could know about their secret meeting place.

  Annabeth came up to Magnus and hugged him. "It's been months since I saw you again. In person, I mean."

  Magnus smirked. "Been busy fighting giants during wedding parties. Didn't have much time."

  "Don't I get a welcome back hug?" Percy asked.

  Annabeth laughed, "The last time that I have seen you was today."

  "You still haven't told us how your other friends got here," Ron pointed out, examining Frank, Hazel, Will, Alex and Magnus from top to bottom.

  Harry and Hermione nodded in agreement.

  "Long story. We'll explain later." Hazel frowned and looked directly at Nico. They seemed to be having a silent conversation.

  "What's wrong?" Jason said, interrupting Hazel and Nico's discussion.

  Nico shook his head. "Nothing. Just a weird feeling. Don't think we should worry about it."

  A weird feeling that only the children of Hades/Pluto were having? That didn't sound good.

  An uncomfortable silence had filled the room. Percy decided to break it by shrugging. He unzipped his bag and got out the invisibility cloak and handed it to Harry. "Thanks for the cloak, by the way. But we didn't get to use i-"

  Percy stopped abruptly when there came a loud crashing sound from the corner of the room.

  "My gods, Nico!" Will yelped as he rushed towards where Nico was standing. The son of Hades was now laying unconscious on the floor.

{-} Note from the Author {-}

  Hi! Sorry I published this chapter a little later than usual but I didn't really have the time to write last weekend. Exams are coming in like a month and I have to study. Because of studying I'm going to have to release one chapter every two weeks. Exams will finish in the end of June so after that I'll have all the time I want to write, and hopefully finish this fanfic during the summer. Thank you for reading and the support you're giving me from the comments!

  Also back in the story Jack mentioned that he had met Apollo. He did in fact meet him. In Trials of Apollo, Apollo mentioned that once he had met a hot god and a talking sword that wouldn't shut up. So from that description Apollo must've meant Frey and Jack. Proof:

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