Chapter 16

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Link's eyes shot open, sweat dripping down his face. 'When will they ever end?' Ghirahim was looking at him with concern. "Master, are you alright?" "Y-yeah, just another nightmare... They know we're here." "Hmm?" Link proceeded to explain his latest nightmare to his partner. Ghirahim tapped his chin, lost in thought as he considered the dream and their next objective. Link stared at his partner fondly, a feeling of affection flooding his heart. 'Could this be... falling in love?'

The two had set out for the mountain peak, where Ghirahim was certain the next shrine was to be found. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon. "It's so cold..." Link said, hugging himself in an attempt to keep warm. He looked to Ghirahim, who appeared to be unaffected by the freezing temperature. "Yes, it's quite unpleasant. Let's try to reach the shrine quickly now." "You say you hate the cold, yet appear perfectly fine." Ghirahim glanced at his Master. "Demons have a tolerance for cold weather. I'm not freezing, but that doesn't mean I am not annoyed by this bothersome snow." he said, kicking a pile of snow out of his way. They trekked through the icy mountain for the next hour. The rising sun helped warm the temperature a bit, making things better on Link's end.

By nightfall, they had moved halfway up the mountain. They stopped at another cave to rest up for the night. "The demon realm has a lot of caves..." Link said, as he attempted to light a fire. He looked to Ghirahim, who was fast asleep on the blanket he had summoned. Link smiled at his sword spirit, crawling over to him, and snuggling up against him, embracing the warmth. The demon stirred lightly, mumbling in his sleep. "Link..." The hero felt a feeling of happiness as the demon said his name. "I love you..." He stared at the demon he felt so fondly for, eyes widening. Had he heard right? 'I wear he said...' Link shook his head, laying down beside him, drifting off to sleep.

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