Chapter 45

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As Ghirahim awoke, he was surprised when he opened his eyes. Ostreiga was bent over Link, who lay motionless on the castle floor. Not only that, but also Rucht, who stood behind the king and had thrust a weapon of light into Ostreiga's skull. The Demon King twitched occasionally as the light in his eyes slowly faded. "That's enough." Ghirahim said to Rucht, who wore a surprised expression. "Oh, you're awake. I hadn't noticed." "Remove the blade." "Yes, yes, of course." Rucht carefully removed the blade as to not cause anymore damage. "You saved the skychild's life. For that, I shall be in your dept. Could you please take Ostreiga to the healing mages?" Rucht, fully understanding, nodded as he threw the near lifeless king onto his back and silently left. Ghirahim turned his attention to Link. His chest rose and fell as he lay peacefully in slumber. 'Ostreiga had attempted to steal your soul. Horrible nightmares are a usual side effect. I pity you, Master. Now then.'

Ghirahim carried Link to the castle's grandest bathroom. The entire room, floor and walls, were made of ruby. The bathtub had been carved from gold. A few wooden buckets and stool sat by the wall, which Ghirahim had no use for. The child's hair and clothing were stained with blood. Ghirahim used his magic to quickly teleport his Master's clothes to the washroom, and lay the child into the warm bath. He removed his gloves to lather soap onto his hands and gently scrubbed Link's body, ridding him of the dirt and blood. When his Master was clean, he teleported the now clean clothes back onto him. Link lay on the soft, silver bath mat, asleep and looking as if he'd never been harmed. "Now then, Skychild. It's time."

Ghirahim left the castle, carrying his beloved in his arms. He walked down the cobblestone paths until he reached the island's edge. Putting two fingers to his mouth, he let out an ear-piercing whistle, summoning a stalwing to the skies below. The bird-like creature closely resembled a loftwing, but was entirely skeletal. It is unknown how they fly. Ghirahim leapt off the island, holding Link close as he plummeted and landed atop the stalwing's back. The creature carried it's passengers skyward, as high as it could. Ghirahim opened the portal once more.

The demon's quiet footsteps as he walked through the grass were the only sound to be heard in the still air of the night. "It's been quite a while since we visited the human world, hasn't it?" Ghirahim whispered to Link, who lay in his arms, still fast asleep. The demon entered the Knight Academy, walking quietly as to not disturb the residents. He walked to Link's door, entering it and approached the child's bed, where he lay the sleeping child. "It's time we bring an end to being master and servant. Thank you, Link, for everything. Goodbye." Shedding a single tear, the demon lord stepped back and teleported, gone in a flurry of diamonds.


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