Chapter 5

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Ghirahim hadn't changed at all. He still wore the elegantly patterned suit and cloak that Link had always seen him wear. His silky, pure white hair was a bit longer, but other than that, no difference. Link eyed the demon lord suspiciously, keeping his distance. "Ghirahim? What are you doing here? And why did you fall from the sky?" Ghirahim raised his eyebrows at the young boy's questions. "Fall from the sky you say...?" He said back, pondering the question he's being asked. "But what are you doing here, Skychild? The middle of night isn't exactly a time for a stroll." he replied, completely ignoring Link's question. Link glared at the demon, trying his best to appear intimidating. He hadn't exactly brought a weapon with him. With the lack of monsters around, the thought hadn't crossed his mind. "That's none of your business!" Ghirahim shrugged, gazing off into the shadows to his left. "I suppose that doesn't matter now. Not with the direction fate is taking us." Turning back to Link, his eyes met the hero's, and he knew the boy was baffled by his words. "Never mind that," he continued, "I have a favor to ask of you." Link scoffed at the demon lord. Why should he help him? Him of all people?! He decided to at least hear him out. They might be sworn enemies, but Link wasn't heartless. "Ok. What is it you want?" he asked, attempting to sound uninterested. The demon flipped his hair dramatically. "As of now, I am permanently banished from the demon realm. I have no one else to turn to, you see, no where else to go at the moment...." Link rolled his eyes, not sure if it was visible to Ghirahim . He was very curious as to why Ghirahim would be banished from the demon realm, but from the pained look in the demon's eyes, Link assumed it would be best not to push him on the subject. "Just get to the point." Ghirahim, seeing the boy's impatience, gave him a look of disapproval, but went on to the point as requested. "As much as I hate to ask such an immature little human for assistance, I'm afraid I'm put in a place with no other option." He stared right into the hero's bright blue eyes. "In exchange for a place to stay, I shall serve you, and become your sword." Link felt as if he had literally been shocked. He never expected to be asked such a question. Ghirahim seemed to be in real need of help... But could he really let this evil being stay with him? Ghirahim stood there, waiting for an answer. Link sighed, he was probably going to regret his decision. "Ok, fine. You can stay with me, since you really have no where to go." He saw Ghirahim's face light up with delight. "Excellent!" Stepping forward, the demon lord placed his right hand over his cloaked chest, bowing his head. "Thank you... Master."

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