Chapter 39

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Ghirahim glanced to his master as he sensed the level of demonic energy decreasing. Link's eyes slowly slid open. Instead of sapphires, they were now crimson red rubies. He stared at the ceiling above, unmoving from his bed. Ghirahim stepped forward, observing him. Link's hair turned a dark grey, his skin a shade darker than Ghirahim's along with those purple zigzag lines that hadn't faded in the least. The demon lord bowed respectfully. "Master, I see you've awakened at last. How are you feeling?" Link blankly stared at the demon. 'What is he saying? I can't make out a single word; his voice is too muffled.' 'From the confusion on his face, I can assume he has not yet fully recovered. Every sound is muffled to him. It should wear off in due time.' Link's eyes never left his. He looked as if he were in awe. 'A demon's eyesight is far greater than any human's. I'm certain he's in shock at the discovery.' His crimson eyes glanced to the window. Within a second, he leapt through the window; disappearing from the room in a blur. Ghirahim's face turned to one of shock. "Master!!"

The wind blew wildly through the skychild's hair as he leapt from building to building. Never in his life had he moved so quickly; not even his loftwing's speed could compare. It was amazing!! A smile grew on Link's face as he neared another building, kicking himself off as his feet came into contact, and soaring through the air once more. He closed his eyes as he flew through the chilly air, over the streets of bustling demons. This wasn't exactly flying, but even so, Link couldn't help but feel that same thrill. He came to an abrupt stop atop a tall building; from which he could view the entire village. The sun was setting behind a nearby forest of tall pine trees. A loud boom echoed throughout the area. Link looked to see several large storm clouds in the distance. They seemed to be travelling in his direction. He gazed at the clouds. They looked as if they could bring destruction to the village, and yet, to him they were beautiful. Long strings of lightning emerged from the cloud, followed by another roar of thunder. A bunch of the demons in the streets below had taken notice of the storm, and were now trying desperately to finish their errands. 'Such a shame. These clouds truly are beautiful. If only they could see that.'

Link's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned to be greeted by his sword spirit's smiling face. "I see you've taken a liking to your new form." Link nodded as the demon lord approached him, wrapping his arms around the child. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity; enjoying the warm embrace of each other. The demon lord's gloved hand traced a finger across Link's chest. Their lips barely touched. "We should head back. We certainly wouldn't want to get caught up in such a storm." Ghirahim whispered. With another silent nod from his master, they began heading back.

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