Chapter 8

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The next morning, Link and Ghirahim awoke bright and early to prepare for their departure into the demon realm. Link quickly went through the shops at the bazaar, grabbing everything they might need: bombs, arrows, potions, an extra shield. Ghirahim was busy making use of his magic in an attempt to create a map of the new world they were about to venture into. It would've taken much too long to draw by hand. Link had told Zelda he was going on a trip. "I hope you have fun then!" she had said. "Don't do anything reckless, alright?" "Alright." he had replied, smiling at his friend.

Once they gathered all their supplies, they met up at a diving platform near the graveyard. "This platform is more out of sight than any of the others. It'd be best to use this one." Link said to Ghirahim, as he was packing everything he had bought into his adventure pouch. While it wouldn't matter if most of the Skyloftians saw the demon lord, Zelda and Groose would recognize him, and it would surely cause a commotion. Now that Link thought about it, he had no idea where the realm of demons was even located. Where exactly were they going anyway? He glanced at Ghirahim, who was looking over the map to ensure that he had not missed anything during it's creation. "Hey Ghirahim?" "Hmm? What is it?" he responded, not looking up from his little task. "Where exactly is the demon realm?" The demon sighed. "Well that would take a it of explaining, I'm afraid. I'm not sure if you would understand, and with the amount of time we have until the king launches his little scheme, it may be best to skip the explanation." Link shrugged, not really knowing just how difficult it'd be just to explain it's location. "Is it really so difficult that you can't even tell me the location?" Ghirahim put the map down, certain that it was complete. "You know how if you stare down into a body of water, you see the reflection of you and the world around you?" Link nodded. "Yeah, so?" "Think of the demon realm like the world in the reflection. If the realm was visible to us from our current position, a glance to the sky would reveal it's whereabouts." "The sky..." Link muttered as he gazed up into the endless sky. "Yes, it would appear as a reflection of this world, the sky acting as water would." Link decided he understood, even though the explanation was confusing. The demon realm was in the sky, acting as a reflection of this one.

Once the two unlikely partners were ready, they leapt from the sky island. Ghirahim heard a loud whistle rip through the silence and found himself grasping onto the crimson feathers of a large bird, sitting just behind the sky child. "What direction do we fly in?!" Link asked loudly, raising his voice over the roar of the wind moving past them. Ghirahim gave a simple reply. "Up." With a nod from Link, they began soaring to a great height. Higher and higher they flew, until Link's loftwing couldn't go on any higher. "This is high enough." Ghirahim said as he opened a portal in the sky, just above them. The portal looked like a black hole ripped into the sky. The rim of the portal was a bright blood red color. Grabbing the hero, he leapt off the giant bird, through the portal just before it closed. They found themselves falling in a whole new world. The demon realm.

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