Chapter 4

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Falling closer and closer to the Surface, Link brought out his sail cloth, grasping it tightly in his hands. Slowly descending into the woods once again, he looked over to where he thought he saw the object fall. 'Hopefully I can find it in the dark, otherwise, coming down here would've been a waste of time.' he thought. As soon as his feet touched the soft earth, he put away his sailcloth and set out on his search. It was very hard to see through the shadows, the sunset was barely lighting the sky at this point. Link found it hard to walk through the woods during the night. Time and time again, he caught himself stumbling over tree roots and stones.

Link didn't know how long it had been since he arrived. An hour? Maybe two? The hope he had upon arriving was now beginning to diminish. Maybe something else had found it first, or maybe it wasn't all that important after all. Could it be possible that he's wandering around through a dark wood in search of nothing? The forest had become pitch black within the small amount of time he had been there. At this point, Link was about ready to turn around, find the nearest bird statue, and just go home. Turning to make his leave to where he assumed a bird statue would be, something sparkling, not too far away, had caught his attention.

Stepping forward with caution, Link decided to investigate. As he moved closer, a slim figure came into view. It was a sword. A sword Link had seen a while back, during the time his greatest adventure was coming to an end. "Ghirahim..." Link muttered under his breath. It was indeed Ghirahim's sword form, stuck in the ground. A slight glow illuminated from the sword. Link noticed the glow intensifying as he inched closer. Soon enough, the area around them was lit up. Link glanced around quickly before turning his attention back to the sword. He was standing in a small clearing. The thick circle of trees cut the clearing out of view of any possible nearby creatures. Nothing else really of interest. Link was now close enough he could reach out and poke the sword if he desired. He kneeled down, studying the sword closely, which was now giving off faint vibrations. Taking a deep breath, he reached out towards the sword, wrapping his fingers tightly around the handle. Link easily freed the sword from the ground. He held it in his hands, staring at it in silence. Suddenly, the sword flew out of his hand, spinning around in midair, faster and faster. The sword darkened as it spun, slowly taking human shape. The human shaped shadow dropped to the ground, lightening up as he stood. Next thing Link knew, Ghirahim stood before him, staring at Link with his dark brown eyes as he spoke. "Oh, Skychild. It's you."

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