Chapter 22

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Sunlight peeked through the window, shining over Link's face, his eyes slowly sliding open. As he awoke from his slumber, he immediately took notice of Ghirahim's absence. He sat up, still half asleep. The intense sunlight had Link covering his eyes for a moment. It was blindingly bright. Once he could safely gaze at his surroundings, his ears picked up the sound of muffled voices from the next room.

As he entered the living space, a pleasant scent wafted through the air. Trudging into the room, his eyes landed upon a small assortment of food awaiting him on the table. Nearing the table, he took notice of Ghirahim, eyeing him as he ate his share of breakfast. Memories of the previous night's events flooded through his mind. The most vivid memory was of him kissing the demon. Those soft, white lips, so tender and sweet. Link let out a small sigh. 'If only that special moment could last forever....' Rucht entered the room just as Link finished his food. "Ready to go? I'm ready to go! Yeah!" Ghirahim looked to Link, who nodded.

The departure from Rucht's place to the peak was simple and quick, as Rucht knew a few shortcuts. Ghirahim's brown

 eyes never left Link's back. A slight blush spreading across his face as his heart stuttered. He had, of course, experienced love a number of times in the past, but none had come close to what he had with this boy. 'What's so special about this child? My heart has never yearned for someone so intensely. I've had love for others, of course. But him... he's different. Such an unusual child...'

"Ok! Here we are!" Rucht said, in a voice louder than necessary. The sound of monstrous footsteps was audible as they hid behind a wall of pine trees. Link glanced at the beast, who was currently facing the opposite direction. 'Looks like he's been guarding the shrine, awaiting our return.' "Ok," he whispered. "What's the plan?" Ghirahim looked at him as he explained. "Rucht will distract the wretched being, as we enter the shrine. We'll do as we need, then make our escape before any of us are caught." Rucht and Link nodded at the demon lord. Link went over his instructions again in his head. 'Will it really work?'

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