Chapter 6

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Link had gone back up to Skyloft, with a bit of help from Ghirahim since the loftwings don't like to fly at night, and the two were now sitting in Link's bedroom. Ghirahim walked around the room, peering at Link's belongings in mild interest. "Such a quaint little room... Nothing like anywhere I've ever seen. And it's so small.... Skychild, I am a bit curious as to how you live under such conditions." Link tried his best to ignore his new partner's remarks about his room. "Whatever, I'm gonna get some rest, ok?" Link said tiredly, turning over, away from him. "Oh? And where do I sleep?" Link tossed an extra pillow and blanket onto the floor at the demon's feet. He stared down at them in distaste. "I see... The floor then. You know, you aren't very good with hospitality. Ah well, beats those filthy woods I suppose." Link was forced to listen to Ghirahim's ranting until he finally heard the deep breathing of the demon in slumber. 'Thank the Goddess....' he thought, feeling a bit more overjoyed than he should have. He kept his mind busy with thoughts about the Surface until he was finally able to drift off to sleep himself.

Link was standing in what appeared to be a great hall. The floor was made of big, gray cobblestones, and was blanketed by a long , red, velvet carpet. On the opposite side of the room sat three tall, regal thrones, the one in the center being the largest, while the other two being smaller in size. In the two small thrones sat two demonic entitys. Their skin was covered in purple, glimmering scales. Their teeth were very jagged , much like any other demon. Their eyes were bright yellow, with slim black slits for pupils. They wore a type of armor that Link didn't recognize. In the center throne sat what Link had thought could be fear itself. The entity was much like the first two, only more fearsome and a bit more humanoid. It was larger in size, it's eyes were like the other two, only red, and it's armor appeared thicker and more protective. He wore a sort of crown atop his scaly head. Link assumed he was the king. They didn't seem to be able to see him. A smaller, lowly looking demon was at the king's feet, bowing. "Y-your majesty sir, Ghirahim has sided with the chosen hero." His voice stuttered as he spoke, obviously terrified. "The king's face was masked by shock. "That traitor! Not only banished from our realm for eternity, but siding the that wretched little brat as well!" He turned towards the demon to his left. "Send an army out to search for that worthless traitor. I shall have his head!" The demon nodded, leaving the room in a hurry. For a second, the demon king stared right in Link's direction, but the hero remained unnoticed. "I'll do whatever it takes to bring that traitor into a world of pain and misery." Then, everything faded into darkness.

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