Chapter 24

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The demon general stood proudly before them, smirking at their surprised faces. Link couldn't help but stare. 'The demon from my dream... Ghirahim had called him Ithzarus. Demons have such unusual names.' "Why hello, Ghirahim." Ithzarus said slowly. "So fancy meeting you here." "I could say the same for you. Whatever business you have here, I'm afraid you are our way. Be so kind as to move aside or we'll be forced to beat you within an inch of your pathetic life." Ithzarus narrowed his golden eyes at the demon lord. He obviously didn't appreciate being called pathetic. "Me? Pathetic? Remind me which one of us chose to team up with a lowly human. A sword spirit who once served the great king of demons, now stands among the ranks of the Goddess's chosen hero. Such a deplorable decision." Link noticed Ghirahim's cheeks flush with anger. 'How much more can he take before he snaps?' The demon lord looked down in a tranquil demeanor. He chuckled quietly, earning him a confused look from the general as he fell silent. With a snap of his fingers, his cloak dissipated, leaving him in only his white bodysuit. "You believe I joined this human because I am weak. Well, I'm afraid your assumption couldn't be more wrong. It's true I went to him because I had no place to return to, but joining this "lowly human" is by far one of the greatest decisions I've made in my lifetime. While Demise was the demon king, feared by all, the cruel way I was treated while serving him was highly unpleasant. With Master Link, I am respected. With his assistance, I grew far stronger than I ever would have serving that unappreciative scaly wretch." Ithzarus's face turned to complete shock at Ghirahim's insolent speech. "A sword spirit disrespecting his master? Such a thing is unheard of! And how could you possibly gain more power from this little brat than the ruler of demons?!" Ghirahim stared his enemy in the eyes before speaking. "With the love of my master, my power becomes stronger. It burns within my body like an everlasting flame, becoming brighter by the minute. Nothing shall ever extinguish it." Link could feel his eyes fill with tears as the demon finished his speech. 'So sweet.... I never expected to hear Ghirahim say something so passionate, especially about me.' Ghirahim smirked as he sensed his master becoming emotional. Ithzarus stared at the two in disbelief. "I see. Then I will take great pleasure in extinguishing that so called "everlasting flame of love and power"." he said as he drew his weapon. He now wielded a demonic black broadsword. The demon lord and general readied their battle stance, preparing to fight.

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