Chapter 28

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Rucht immediately went to work on the stone. He began by crushing it into tiny shards, then he mixed the shards in with the nectar of a strange blue plant. He glanced at Ghirahim, who was inspecting his actions closely. "This is a rare flower that I discovered on my search. The nectar of this plant contains special qualities that few plants possess. Without it, the elixir can't be made." "I see. Do continue, we must be quick." After the nectar and shards were thoroughly mixed, Rucht combined the liquid with the elements of light and shadow using a touch of magic. Before them now sat a glass of bubbly violet liquid. The elixir is now complete.

Kneeling down at his master's side, Ghirahim pressed the rim of the glass to Link's lips, allowing a thin stream seep into his mouth. Setting the glass on the floor, he fixed his gaze upon the child's face. The color in his skin slowly returned, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Ghirahim felt a wave of joy crash onto his heart at the sight of his sleeping master. 'Master is safe. He'll be alright. Thank God...' He sighed as his worries melted away, leaving him in blissful state. Never before had he felt such intense relief. The demon could relax at last, knowing his master's life is no longer in jeopardy. 'Once I am certain my master has healed from this incident, we shall make our way to the third shrine. I just hope my little skychild is never put in such dreadful danger again. I question his chances of survival if these events repeat. We may not be so lucky a second time. As for that wretch of a general, his life will surely end by the wrath of my blade. This fate is what he now deserves, to be drenched with his own blood as his life comes to a painful end.'

During the few hours that passed, Ghirahim anxiously waited for Link to rise from his slumber. With each passing second, his desire to gaze into those beautiful blue eyes intensified. 'How much longer is he going to sleep? The wait is getting on my nerves...' Ghirahim gazed at his feet before closing his eyes. 'After the struggle we endured, the only wish I have at the moment is to see you, Master.' He moved closer to the boy, their faces barely an inch apart. "Master." Ghirahim purred softly. "I shall be waiting. As of now, you are a treasure I cannot afford to lose. I love you."

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