Chapter 2

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Link slowly opened his eyes to the bright room that was the bath. His cheeks became flushed as he now realized he had been napping in the bathtub. How embarrassing it would have been if someone had come in here! He quickly scrubbed himself off, eager to leave the bath before someone noticed his absence. Unless someone already had... With this thought in mind, Link worked a bit faster to get cleaned and out of here as soon as possible. He didn't know how long he had slept. It must have been a while, maybe half an hour at least, since he took notice of the lack of steam from the now room-temperature water. Jumping out of the tub, he dried off quickly. Yanking his clothes on, he thought about his earlier encounter with Zelda, and decided to go catch up with her. Maybe hanging out with her would help take her mind off his nightmares. She seemed to worry about it more than him half the time.

As Link stepped out the exit of the academy, the warm light from the sun felt similar to the warmth of a tight embrace. It felt calming and welcoming. He continued to enjoy this "sunny embrace" as he went on a search around Skyloft for Zelda. The town of Skyloft was as peaceful as a town could get. Link watched as the nearby people went about their daily work. Each of them smiled and waved as they saw Link pass by. He smiled back at them, giving a quick wave. About two minutes later, he found Zelda at the little café, in the bazaar. She smiled at him when she saw him. "Hi Link! You sure took a long time in that bath, huh?" Link felt a tad embarrassed at the subject being brought up again. "Well, I... uhh..." He couldn't think of a good excuse for him being late. He really didn't like the idea of lying to his best friend either. "It doesn't really matter I guess. You look much better now after taking that bath." She gestured towards a seat next to her. "Want to stay and have a snack with me? You've been so tired lately, we haven't been hanging out like we used to." As he sat down in the seat next to her, he realized she was right. His nightmares have kept him from any sort of good rest, and as a result, he had been too tired to do much of anything really. The café waitress brought over two mugs of pear juice. Link took the cup and sipped his drink softly. It had a soft, sweet flavor like nothing else you could get on Skyloft. It's been his favorite drink since his childhood. "So, Link," Zelda said, looking over at him excitedly, "I was planning on going to Faron Woods after we're done here. Wanna come along? It'll be fun!" He hadn't seen her so happy for a long time. Had he really been missing out on his best friend that often? He smiled at her appreciatively. "Of course, I'd love to." That reponse had her smiling from ear to ear within seconds. She looked as if she could jump from her seat in excitement. "Yay! Let's not take too long then!" she said happily, as she turned to finish her drink. 'It must have really been a while since our last time hanging out.' Link thought as he finished his drink along with Zelda.

As he and Zelda set out for Faron Woods on their loftwings, Link stared out at the pure white clouds. The feeling of flying was bringing up memories of the beginning of his recent adventure, when Zelda had been ripped from the sky by the demon lord. He glanced over at her. She was flying on her loftwing, looking as if the moment was pure bliss. Things sure have calmed down a lot after the destruction of Demise. Link was suddenly remembering the dream he saw while in the bath. The voice had belonged to a male, Link was sure of that. He felt there must be a tie between Ghirahim and the dream. Perhaps it was Ghirahim's voice he had heard? He couldn't be too sure at the moment, but didn't have another second to continue his thoughts on the matter, as he and Zelda had just arrived at their destination.

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