Chapter 19

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They appeared in a small wooded area, still within the mountain range. Snow sat in patches upon the ground. Ghirahim still had his arms wrapped tightly around Link's waist. The demon glanced down at him, just now realizing how short the child is in comparison to himself. His master looked up at him. 'Those eyes are so... captivating. Always seeming to sparkle, they remind me of blue jewels.' He continued to gaze into those gorgeous blue eyes until his master's face turned to one of worry. "Ghirahim? Are you ok?" He snapped out of his trance, looking away abruptly. "Yes, I am quite fine. Let's not dawdle, we must be on our way." he said, embarrassed. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. 'I'm blushing?! ME?! So embarrassing... I do hope Master doesn't take notice.'

Ghirahim trekked up the mountain alongside his master, the breeze blowing his cloak out behind him as he walked. The path was slightly steep, but they managed. Ghirahim stopped once they reached his friend's home. It was a decent sized cottage made of dark wood. The roof was covered with pine needles that had fallen from nearby trees. Link could see the light of a fire through one of the few windows. "Here we are. It's been so long since I've seen this place." Ghirahim said, approaching the house with delight. He knocked on the door, a slight smile on his face as the door opened. A bizarre demon appeared from the house. His body and face was covered in green scales, his eyes shone with the color of blood, his silver hair was a curly mess, he had talons for feet, and sharp claws that looked capable of cutting through diamond. He grinned happily as he saw his old friend. "Ghirahim! It's been so long! You really need to visit more often, so anti-social. Anything new? I'll tell you what's new with me!! I saw a herd of harach stampeding through the peak the other day! Such a strange sight!" The demon ranted continuously. Ghirahim, giving him an annoyed look, ended up having to slap the poor guy to get him to stop. "Rucht, as pleasant as hearing how your life is going would be, we require your assistance. It's of utmost importance." "It's the ice demon, isn't it? That thing sure has been giving me a hard time lately. I saw it chasing a herd of stampeding harach the other day! Such a strange sight!"Rucht ranted on, earning himself another slap. "Yes, it's the ice beast. Do you know of a strategy for defeating it?" Rucht seemed lost in thought. "Hmmm... Nope! But I could help get you past it! I'm very talented when it comes to distractions." His face was masked by pride as he spoke. "It's gonna be dark out there real soon though. Why not stay here for the night?! Yay for sleepovers!" Link stood there, dumbfounded by Ghirahim's friend. Who knew a demon could be so cheerful? The two entered the house, followed by the harach. "We can stay, but just for tonight."

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