Chapter 28

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For Jon and Marinette, the next week was mostly field with moving boxes and cleaning up their room at their parents' house. They also decided to start shopping online together, so they could have their furniture's delivered for the day of the moving. Adrien had offered to arrive earlier to the apartment that day so they didn't have to be in London the day before, so Jon took a flight from Metropolis and arrived at destination around 10am, London time. Marinette on the other hand decided that taking the train would probably be best if she wanted to take most of her things with her, because even if they had decided to get Jon's things with Kaalki, Marinette's parents couldn't know about the Miraculous, at least not yet. So she had to bring her things with her, so they wouldn't suspect anything.

Emilie and Adrien helped a lot, during that week. Even Clark had flew over to give a hand, mostly with the heavy lifting, which was easy for him and Jon, but hey had to make sure no one would see a man walking up the stairs with a fridge in his hand without any efforts. Marinette had put up a new security system for the Miracle Box and set up all of her sewing supplies and a desk for her in one of the small bedroom. In the other room they had a small bed with a desk for Jon, very simple, but they didn't need more.

The rest of the apartment was pretty easy to set up, they only had a couple of items and supplies, so the week before the first day of school was enough for them. They only had some homey decoration to put on their walls and pictures on the shelves. Marinette didn't even had to go get the flowers she wanted, because Amelie had prepared everything for her when she had noticed the week before how she looked at some of the plants she had in her garden. So after talking to her sister and learning that the young woman had planned on buying flowers for her balcony, the younger twin had done some gardening for the rest of the week to surprise her.

Of course, the first day of school came really fast and the three heroes were walking to the campus, trying to find the orientation stand, which was supposed to give them a tour and explain everything they needed to know. They all thought it would be a good idea, especially because neither of them had gone to school in the UK or to university. They were given their schedules, list of needed materials and some very practical phone numbers: psychologist, social workers, tutors, medical clinic and much more, a really good idea if you asked them, they all knew how important a good mental health was.

They were talking and laughing with new acquaintance and classmates, when everyone jumped at the explosions sounds from afar and the screams following them. Panic was probably the most seen expression on the students face, but the three foreigners were wearing determination, anger and exasperation. Marinette's brain was already in the solution solving mode when she ran to find a place to transform, Adrien and Jon exchanged a look before running after her to do the same.

Once Ladybug, Chat Noir and Superboy ready, they made their way to the top of Big Ben, where the half Kryptonian was able to find the supervillain near the Buckingham Palace. A couple of minutes later, the three heroes were standing in front of him, ready to fight and stop him.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir, it's a pleasure to meet you, but Superboy, I have to say it's quite the surprise!" said the villain wearing a horrible green mask and an orange suit with purple and brown detail. Ladybug wanted to gag at the design and colors in front of her.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" asked Chat.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm MadMan and I just want your Miraculous. I learned from my kwami that yours could give me the ultimate power and I want it."

The Parisians' eyes widened, understanding the implication of what MadMan had just told them. They looked at each other and nodded at the same time, before looking back at the villain in front of them. Ladybug said something, but it was so low that only Superboy and Chat Noir's enhanced earing were able to catch it. They got ready and when the young Guardian nodded they all jumped into action at the same time.

They had a new mission. If they were other Miraculous in the world and it looked like it, it seemed that some of them were in the wrong hands once again. Ladybug and Chat Noir had to find them all and bring the Miraculous and their Kwamis to safety. But first they would defeat MadMan and hopefully finish university, while protecting their new city, before traveling the world for their new mission.

It will be a long and difficult adventure, but now they had Superboy by their side and the Justice League to help them if needed. It was just the way they liked it. The life of a superhero. 

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