Chapter 8

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Three weeks had pass since the beginning of his meetings with Dr. Leslie Thompkins and Jon was still trying to avoid his parents and his brother at home. At school it was the same thing with his friends and teachers. The therapist was sitting in front of him and she was waiting for him to talk, but by the way he was looking everywhere except at her she knew she'll have to take the first step on this meeting.

"So what are we talking about today? School, being Superboy, friends, work, love...? " She wanted to go with the subject that would create a reaction, which she got right away. The frown his eyebrows made and the way he bit his bottom lip, clearly suggested he was happy but nervous and the love and fear that she could get in the glaze she got brought more questions.

"Was is it Jon? You seem happy and in love, but you are also scared and nervous."

"Ugh! Okay I can tell you anything and nobody will know right? Not my parents or anybody?" Dr. Thompkins smiled and nodded.

"Okay... So the night my dad and I had our fight, I was so mad at him I flew and ended up on the top of the Eiffel Tower. That is where I met her. She the most amazing girl I've ever seen in my life... We were both in costume and we talked for hours about our lives as superheroes and our responsibilities, like I find it hard to be Superboy, but at least I have people to talk to, my parents understand what is going on and they cover for me and I don't have the same stress that she has." He got up, passing his hands in his face and after in his hair.

"Would you believe me if I told you, that my girlfriend holds the power of the universe in her hands every day, it literally sits in a box in her bedroom." The woman didn't say a word, she was just listening to what he had to say.

"She has to protect those things and if she doesn't or if she dies it would be the end of our world or at least the world has we know it. That night, we met for the first time and, from what she told me, the only person to who she could talk about being Ladybug is dead and that he was the one who had the magical box before her, but now she is alone."

"She is very special and she seems to be a strong young woman."

"Yes, she is and it's one of multiple reasons I love her, but she has been keeping all of her emotions hidden, because of the villain. That night, was the first time in so long that she was able to talk and cry in front of someone in years.

"The other night, I stayed until she fell asleep, because she doesn't sleep at all and when she does it's only for an hour or two before being awaken by nightmares. I care so much about her that I can't just let her keep going like this, I'm afraid she will harm herself in combat or even just walking to school, because she is too sleep deprived." He let himself slung down in his seat, putting his face in his hands wanting to cry and scream.

"You really love her, I can tell you care about her. But I'm afraid you'll try so hard to be there for her, that you'll forget that Jonathan Kent exist as well. And right now this young man haven't talk to anybody but me and his girlfriend in three months. I'm going straight to the point here: your family and friends are scared for you. I was as well before you just started talking a couple minutes ago. You are a teenager with superpowers and you want to fit in as Superboy and Jon, but right now you can't because your dad is too scared to let you do anything has a hero and your life as a normal boy just want to be happy and right now happy means being in Paris with her. Am I mostly right?" the young man simply nodded.

"You know what Jon? I want to meet her." He raised a questioning brow, before she continue. "I want to meet her, your girlfriend. I would like to see if she'd be open to talk to me, maybe get some things off her chest. Maybe, just maybe, I could give her some tools to help her sleep, finds some solutions to help her manage the solitude of her situation a little bit better. Helping her in some aspects of her life. After that, we could look into finding some type for solutions or how you could deal with both of your crazy lifestyles and the distance, not so distant of your relationship.

"I want to help you guys find a way to be able to lean into each other without putting a burden on the other. I want us, your girlfriend, you and me, to work together to find a good path for the both of you and clean it all together so you don't trip too much along the way."

She didn't need an answer, at that moment the bright smile on Jon face told her she had pointed to the right direction for her work with the young man.

"Okay perfect! So I want you to talk to her and see when she can be here or when I could meet her and then will see where to go from there. If we can do it in the same day, so the both of you don't miss too much class or work, it would be perfect. Just text-me the address and the date."

"Thank you very much!! I'll go call her right now, her school just finished. I'll let you know." Without looking back the opened the door and ran out to call Marinette. He was happy, maybe the mandatory therapy was not so back if it could help him. 

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