Chapter 19

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Bruce was back at the manor with his friend Clark Kent who was in serious need of a drink after the meeting they just had.

"Three months Bruce, he hasn't talk to me in three months. We had to get Thompkins because of the school mandatory therapy for him and now I have to learn that he has a girlfriend, no a superhero girlfriend that lives in Paris, from some social Medias website. And I pretty sure that if it wasn't for Tim we wouldn't have found out anything tonight."

"Clark, calm down." Bruce gives him a glass half full of scotch. "Damian told me Jon hasn't been acting like himself in the past few months and he haven't showed up for any of the Leagues meeting or trainings and now you're saying you two haven't talked in three months!? So tell me, what is going on? What about Lois?"

Clark took a deep breathe because explaining his argument with his son and what the school decided to do, with Lois, to help Jon.

"You know it's not only with me... Even with Lois, he doesn't talk to her unless is urgent or if he has no choice and I can see it in her eyes, she's hurt but doesn't want to intrude. Even at school, Damian most've told you, he's only present physically, always on his phone texting or talking, with who I assume now is Ladybug, and for your son to call Lois and asked her if Jon was okay and tell her he's very concerned for him..." letting out a loud sigh and slowly drinking the alcohol he was holding.

"How did you do it, alone with four boys? I have two, one being a clone that doesn't feel those types of emotions towards others. And Jon has always been the smiling boy, helping everyone and we had to tell him not to talk with everybody that crossed his path. Now he doesn't even talk to his own family. Can you believe he was not present at the last two family diners, with my mother and Lois' parents? And from what Tim sent me, he goes to Paris at least once a week to see her. Where did I go wrong Bruce, where did I go wrong?"

"I don't think you guys went wrong. Jon needs some space and he probably just want to live his life. I'm not sure if we can fully trust this Ladybug girl, but from what I've seen, I have to agree with Arthur, they seems both in love." He got up and slowly walk to the stand in front of the windows, looking at the garden outside.

"You said you had a fight with Jon. What was it about?"

"Ugh! He was frustrated because he believes that I don't trust him and I'm always cutting him off from missions and fights with the League. He said he was done always being trapped in bubble wrap and being treated like he was still ten."

Bruce didn't said anything, he taught back to the last year and the training the League and the way they all have been teaching the eldest teens how to take over the commands and how to lead missions and the team. But somehow thinking about it, the Bat could mostly side with the young Kryptonian. Clark was not the one to put his son on the front line or in command of anything, the bubble wrap image was a good one in this situation.

Clark looked up at his friend who was silent of a moment and realised that Jon was probably right, but for him it was the only way to keep his son safe.

"You think he's right, don't you!?"

"Well... Partly yes. He's the only one of our kids who hadn't take the lead or been on the front line during missions. You keep him at the very back or the Headquarter and I'm not even talking about the ones you don't bring him with you." Sighing he sat down in the sofa next to his friend. "I know why you do that, believe me I would do the same thing, especially after what happened to Jason, Tim and Damian. But Jon is eighteen, he's almost an adult and he will leave home one day, maybe not tomorrow, but one day he will. Think about it Clark, you left Smallville to go to Metropolis when you were his age, if you hadn't you wouldn't have met Lois, have Jon or the career you have today. It's the same thing for your boy."

Clark looked at his friend and Bruce lifted his glass and said: "To the expansion of the Kent family" laughing the Kryptonian cling his glass against his friend's and answered back: "Yeah! To its extension, but maybe not too soon, I'm not ready and too young to be a grand-father."

"Hey! Are you saying I'm old? I've been a grand-father for five years and we are the same age super guy."

The two men finished their drinks and Superman left flying back home to Metropolis, hopping he would get the chance to talk to his son the next day.

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