Chapter 6

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While waiting for Marinette the Akumas class decided to continue playing Truth or Dare. The time passed without them knowing it, when the sounds of notifications started to be heard on all of their phones. They were really surprise by the pictures they found on every social Medias or Parisian websites. Alya was the first to react, she got up and ran to the door to get to the roof. Soon the whole class was following her, they all wanted to see it themselves and they did.

A couple of minutes after they reached their destination, Alix yelled and pointed to their left, the superheroes seemed to go to the Eiffel Tower. Alya started to record on her phone to make sure she didn't miss it "Hey Ladybloguers! I'm here on the top of Le Grand Paris hotel with my friends and we are seeing Ladybug accompanied by the American superhero Superboy, the son of Superman. What is he doing here in Paris? Why are they together? I didn't know they knew each other... Look everyone here they are!" Ladybug and Superboy waived at them without stopping and make their way to the tower.

"WOW! Did you see that Ladybloguers? This is amazing! I'll definitely try to have more information for you guys and I'll see you later! Stay connected!" See stopped her livestreaming and joined her class, all of them were rambling without listening to each other.

Actually one of them, a cat-like superhero, had not talk nor was he happy. Adrien texted his driver and left the party early without anyone noticing. The texted Nino saying he had to leave. When he got home, he went directly to his room, without acknowledging Nathalie or his father who were standing in front of the designer's office. This behavior surprised them both, they turned to the Gorilla who let them know the young man seemed really angry and hurt on the way back. The adults decided to leave the teenager alone for the night and maybe Gabriel will have Nathalie talk to his son in the morning.

* * *

Adrien was so frustrated he could barely contained himself. Plagg was trying to calm him down, so HawkMoth wouldn't be able to get to him. The kwami could see the hurt in the eyes of his holder.

"I don't understand Plagg..." Adrien finally stop pacing and drop in his bed, he wanted to cry and to scream, but nothing escaped his throat. "I know I don't have the right, but I loved her since the beginning and comes in a new hero from America and she doesn't say anything. How could she keep something like this from me?"

"I know its tough Kid, but she doesn't have to tell you everything going on in her life..." the small god didn't know what to say. He for sure was going to talk to Tikki on Monday at school. "Why don't we go for a run, on the rooftops? Take some air?"

Plagg didn't have to repeat himself, Adrien was already call on his transformation. In seconds he was jumping out of his bedroom window and on his way to the Eiffel Tower, where he knew he could think alone.

The air on his face making him feel free for the few minutes he was running. He was almost at the Eiffel Tower when he heard laughing, this laugh he would recognised it anywhere. Ladybug. He slowly and quietly made his way, so he would not be seen, after a minute he heard a deeper voice responding to his Lady, he knew who was with her. He decided not to make his presence known to the two superheroes, this way he would be able to listen to their conversation.

"Really!? You destroyed the barn by kicking the mane pillar, because your mom didn't let you drive the tractor. It's insane!"

"It's not even the end of it. This tractor is always broken, each time we use it the speed gear gets stock, we try to unblock it and we go too hard on it and we just brake it. My mom would rather have a new one, but for my dad is more sentimental then anything. My grand-mother told me the first time he broke it he was twelve and my grand-father made him put it back on track." Both of them were laughing, Ladybug still playing with his hair calmly.

"They seems to be really good people, a little bit like my parents. But for my dad it's puns, ugh, I hate those, my mom too. But they are always working, so it's probably one of the reason they haven't found out I'm Ladybug. But because of it I have to lie to them every single day and I hate it. One of the worst thing in life are lies, if you ask me, they should not exist."

"I know LB it's hard and I can imagine worst for you. At least I can talk to my folks about it." Superboy was trying to reassure her, but he knew he couldn't do anything for that matter.

The young man looked up at his new friend and he had the urge to bring her close to him and he decided to do so. He picked her up in his arms and sat her on his laps, she simply let herself enjoy the moment and the cuddles.

After a really nice moment of silence, Ladybug lift her head to look at Superboy, they made eye contact at this point. Without realising it they both leaned towards each other until their lips connected slowly and softly. The world around them disappeared and the kiss became a passionate one, he put a hand on her waist and the other behind her neck to deepen the kiss.

Now sitting on his laps, one leg each side of him, Ladybug wasn't thinking about anything else than the man in from of her and how he made her feel like the most beautiful and important person in the world. She felt the shivers travel her body multiple time, but she didn't care, she was happy and most definitely in love with this guy.

They were now making out on the top of the Eiffel Tower, not knowing that a certain blogger was taking pictures and fangirling over the couple. From the rooftop he was sitting on, Cat Noir could see everything, the piece of hope he had left went away in a wimp. The next second, he was on his way back home. Dropping his transformation he simply went to bed without a word to his kwami, who ate a little before making his way to Marinette's bedroom, waiting for the Guardian.

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