Chapter 23

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 "JON!" the young man only had the time to turn, before she launch herself into his arms burying her face in his neck, she was shaking, her heart beat was irregular and her breathing wasn't even, it sounded like she was holding back sobs.

"Mari, I love you!"

"I love you too," the girl said, looking at him, still in her Ladybug suit. They kissed, forgetting there were people around them, until they heard someone clearing their throat, behind her.

"Sorry to interrupt. I wanted to thank you, miss...?" the deep voice said, coming from Batman. Before she could answer WonderWoman stepped in.

"Ladybug! It's an honor to meet you!" said the woman with a smile.

"It's a pleasure as well, Tikki talks about your mother quite often,"

"Sorry, but I have to ask, if there is a way to contact the Great Guardian, regarding some questions," none of the heroes were expecting a giggle as an answer, from both Ladybug and Jon. Superman looked at his son with confusion. Marinette was about to explain when an alarm came from her yoyo and glancing at Jon and he nodded, understanding she had to go.

"Sorry, but Paris needs me, just ask Jon for my phone number. Until next time. Bug out! Kaalki! Voyage!" a new portal opened and she stepped into it after giving her boyfriend a small kiss on his cheek.

* * *

"OK! Can't someone explain what just happen?" asked Nightwing still in shock and confused after waking up, obviously missing a large portion of the story, last thing he remembers included a lot of dead people and most definitely the house destroyed and the barn in flames. So what happen after that was a total mystery to him and from the look on the people surrounding him, it was the same for most of them.

"She stopped Jon and brought you all back to life..." WonderWoman was stunned, she had heard stories from her mother, about the powers of the Ladybug Miraculous, but to see it was magnificent. Nothing like all the heroes reunited on the Kent farm had seen in their lives.

"Wait! What!? Who was dead?" asked Green Lantern.

"The question should be: Who was still alive?" said Robin bluntly. His answer spread confusion and worries in the eyes of the people before him, Superman came by his side to explain.

"What Robin means is that only WonderWoman, Robin, Beast Boy and I were still alive at the end of the fight. If it wasn't for Ladybug I'm not sure we would have been able to stop Superboy from destroying the planet at this point. The super flare was too powerful, even for me to survive it."

The affirmation left the heroes flabbergasted, they had so much questions, but the only one who could answer them had left in a portal minutes ago. The decision was made that to let everyone back in their home and the teams went back to their lives until the next League meeting. Now with only the Kent and the Wayne left Lois prepared coffee for everyone so they could all relax and talk, while waiting for the Parisian superhero. Jon had texted her hoping she would come back after the akuma attack. He didn't have to wait for long, before he got her response they heard a knock at the front door, all the boys in the room tensed, only for Jon to relax at the sight of his girlfriend through the walls, with the help of his x-ray vision.

Lois opened the door to reveal a petite girl with black hair, almost blue, and bluebell eyes. She was wearing simple black jeans with a red blouse and white ballet flats. When she saw the seven men in front of her she blushed and seemed to want nothing more than disappear. Her panic came to a stop when a strong pair of arms scooped her and her feet left the ground, only for her to be spun her around, she was happy to see her boyfriend has himself again. He put her back on her feet, taking her by the hand and kissing her cheek, he directed her towards the dining room, so she could take a place next to him with his family and friends.

"Hi! I'm Marinette!" her soft voice was angelic and her smile was brighter than Jon's, which they all thought was impossible. Studying her Clark recognized the heroine he met earlier in the day, she still had a strong presence and posture, her eyes were analyzing every single movements in the room, it was clear for him that if she saw both persona of a hero, their identity could not be hidden from her and the confidence she had on the battlefield was still intimidating, even if it was shown differently it was still there.

"Hello Marinette, I'm Lois, Jonathan's mother! It's nice to finally meet you!" both women shook hands while exchanging warm smiles. "Would you like a tea or coffee?" asked the older woman.

"Yes, a tea please," said Mari. She was nervous and her boyfriend took her hand in an effort to reassure her, she smiled at him lovely in response. When Lois came back with a cup of tea for the young girl and sat down, the conversation when to the situation in Paris and the Miraculous.

Marinette went on telling her story, from how she became Ladybug to the Guardianship and to finish with the meeting with Jon. Jason was containing himself after hearing what happened and how HawkMoth was using innocent civilians to do his dirty work. Tim on the other hand had taken out of nowhere a laptop and was already at work, the files and the pages opening and closing on the screen, the Parisian could tell he was still listening at everything, but all the gears in his head were turning at double speed.

"Marinette, I promise you are not alone anymore," Clark had put a hand on her shoulder, listening to her heart it was clear to him that she was trying to control her emotions. It was normal for her to do so if she didn't want to fall under HawkMoth's control, but it was not something she should be going through, especially has a kid and for as long as she went.

"Clark is right. You are part of the Super Team now, so you are also an extended member of the BatFam and from what I know and observe you have the respect and admiration of both the Amazones and the Atlantians. We will do everything to help you and your partner to win your battle, even if we can't be physically present, we can still help train you and find where he's hiding," the words coming softly from Batman, well Bruce Wayne, were almost too good to be true, but it was exactly what she needed. She jumped and hugged Clark and Bruce, straddling both of them, but the small tear on her cheek proved them that this young heroine was broken and needed them more than anything right now, Paris was now the number one priority for the Justice League.       

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