Chapter 20

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When Clark got home that night, he had a feeling something was different in his house. He started by listening and was surprise to hear three heart beats, he was pretty sure Connor was with the Young Justice, so it could only be Lois, Jon and a stranger. All in senses in full alert he scanned each room with his x-ray vision, only to find a second person in Jon's bed. It was clear that both teens were cuddling in their sleep.

He didn't know how to feel about the fact that his son's girlfriend was sleeping in his bed right now. Clark barely had the time to process the discovery of an emotional terrorist in Paris, who had been active for the past four years, without them being informed, that the City of Love had superheroes and that one of them was Jon's romantic partner. At this point, he was too tired to have a confrontation with the teens tonight, it could wait until morning. She was a superheroine after all and she knew who they were, so it would be stupid to try to hurt any of them. Clark went to bed and snuggle against his wife, trying to forget all his problem to simply have a goodnight sleep.

* * *

The next day, when Clark woke up, to the smell of fresh pancakes he smiled, but confusion settles in when he was about to get up and he noticed Lois cuddled on his chest. If Lois was still sleeping, who made pancakes? Jon and Connor were bad news in a kitchen, unless it was to cut things. He shook Lois to try to wake her up, she did asking why he was in his 'Superman mind', referring to the way he was moving around like a spy. He told her what he saw, the night before, when he came back from the Wayne Manor and about who was Ladybug and what kind of powers she had.

When she learn her son had brought a girl home, without asking them, after all the sneaking around the past three months and have her sleeping with him, she was not happy. They quickly made their way to the kitchen, where Jon was sipping his coffee, with an empty plate, which probably had pancakes and fruits at some point. He barely looked at them, before going back to his drink.

"Where is she?" asked his father. Jon simply raised an eyebrow.

"She's in Paris, she had school today." He suspected his father knew she spend the night in Metropolis and by the look he got from his mom she did too and she was definitely not happy about it.

"She was here a couple of hours ago, she can't be back in Paris already..." Jon roll his eyes at his dad's statement.

"Yes, really. We woke up, she made pancakes and left, because she had to go to class."

"And you really thought, we would be okay with you bringing a girl home without telling us? You know what Jon? I've been really disappointed in you lately, you don't go to meetings or put your name for any mission. You go missing for hours, only to show up and not talk to us for the rest of the week. Last night, I had to find out you have a girlfriend, with the help for Tim and Damian, because nobody could tell where you were on earth," Clark's voice became louder by every word, Lois tried to calmed him down by putting her hand on his forearm, but it was too late the anger had taken over the man of steel.

Jon sighed but didn't answer. After putting his plate in the sink he left the house through the front door, not caring if his parents were following him, he too was mad at his father he would not let his father have an opinion on his relationship with Marinette.

"JONATHAN SAMUEL KENT, YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" screamed Clark. "You are going to talk to us and you will stop seeing that girl! I believe she's changing you and I won't-"

"SHUT UP!" both parents were shock by the tone in Jon's voice, it was the first time the boy screamed at them for something else than a childish tantrum and it was years ago.

"Jon please, listen to us. You've been-" Lois tried to calm him down, but was cut before she could say anything. Her son's eyes were now red and she knew too well what it meant: his anger was so out of control, his laser was going to hit really soon.

"I SAID SHUT UP! You have no right to talk about Mari that way. She is the stars to me, she helped me find you I am and who I want to be. Last night she had a nightmare and she came to me, so no I didn't ask, mom was sleeping and you were not in Metropolis anyways. I would be anything for her and she would do the same for me," his voice was deep and powerful, at this point Clark felt a chill down his back, he was going to need a lot of help to bring his son back from this anger.

He took his wife and ran in their house to get her to safety as fast as he could.

"Call Bruce, I'm gonna need the Justice League," he said whispering.

"What!? Why!? You're not going to fight him, right!? He's our son..." Lois was panicking and her husband couldn't help her, because he was fighting himself internally the fact he would have to go against his own son.

"I don't have a choice Lois. I don't know how, but his powers are at their full potential right now, a thing I was never able to go myself. He's more dangerous than me and I need to stop him before he hurt others or... or himself," his voice cracked at the end, they were scared. Scared because today, Jon could come back from this injured greatly or ... dead.

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