Chapter 16

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After the reveal, Marinette and Adrien were joined by the hip, they did everything together, to the point where seeing only one of them was weird. Marinette would go to Adrien's photoshoot to learn how it worked and sketch, he also brought her to numerous events as his plus one. The way they acted together made people believed they were more them 'just friend'.

It was not a surprise either to see Adrien helping at the bakery every now and them. Tom had started to teach him how to make bread and croissants, his favorite. He learned how to make macaroons with Marinette and he would give a hand to Sabine at the cash and the costumers if needed. He tried to do cakes, but it always ended up in a flour fight and a lot of cleaning.

It was evident he was happy, even Gabriel was surprised to see his son changed since he started to get closer to Marinette. After two weeks, he decided the Dupain-Cheng family could be the best way for Adrien to be himself and to enjoy life, before he could bring back Emilie. It was also go to have Adrien in a safe place, where he could not suspect anything and he thrusted the bakers to take care of his son. One night, he invited the family to dinner, it was his way to thank them, for everything they did for Adrien and also to get to know them better. The designer knew Marinette and Adrien would stay in each other's life with or without his approval, so maybe the two families could get along.

At school, the reactions where different with everyone. But they all came to the same conclusion: Marinette and Adrien were now dating. Chloe was happy to see her childhood friend happy and to know he would always have Marinette by his side reassure her. Nino knew his best friend could not have a better person than Nette has a girlfriend and it was time for him to notice his feelings too. The girls were happy, knowing that Marinette had a huge crush on the model starting at fourteen. Now instead on planning how she could confess, they also had to plan dates for them. The boys were happy for their two friends, mostly because they wouldn't have to pushing the boy to find a girlfriend, like the rest of them.

For Alya, it was a little different, she decided that she needed to make sure her two friends would finally get together, no matter what she had to do. She made the ultimate plan to have Marinette and Adrien to confess their love and officially become a couple. She tried to talk to the young heroine about it, but each time she shot her down, saying she was not in love with the model and asking to leave her alone. Alya was convince that her best friend, who was probably trying to get over her crush after all these years, was just in denial, so how could she made her see clear? First thing was to convince the class to help her, the boys could talk to Adrien and have him confess one way or another and the girls would take care of Mari. While everyone was at work, she only had to make sure to plan the perfect set up for them to see the love they had for each other.

The only person who was livid when she came back to school to see the model and the designer so close was Lila. She had planned for everyone to be at her feet when she decided to retour after two weeks. She had research the best way to seduce a man, so Adrien would fall in love with her, now Marinette was ruining everything again. The lovesick look the boy had for her was obvious to everyone and he didn't deny or tried to hide it to anybody. Lila had to plan something new to have Adrien's and the rest of the school's attention on her, but first everyone to hate Marinette was the easiest and fastest way to have sympathy, let's start phase 1: Make Marinette the villain again.

* * *

Not knowing Lila was back, she didn't expected to be found with a glaring Mlle Bustier when she stepped in the classroom for the first class. She was really confused, until she heard the cries of her enemy and her friends trying to comfort her. The only positive thing was that now more people were aware of the Italian girl's lies and her manipulative nature. Marinette crossed her arms on her chest and turn to the class, she felt a hand on her shoulder and when she saw the silver band on the ring finger, she knew her best friend had her back and this time it would be 'them against the world'. They were not just Ladybug and Chat Noir, they were Marinette and Adrien and together they could accomplish anything.

"What's going on Lila?" Adrien asked before she could open her mouth.

"Ma-Marinette, she stole my design book and destroyed it right before class..." her sobs were worse every time. Alya didn't know who to believed, but right before she was about scream at Marinette, she stopped herself and decided to ask some questions. She had already lost her best friend the last time the two girls were fighting.

"Marinette, you already have Adrien, why would you need to take her designs? I know you're good, but if you just wanted to have them notice by Gabriel Agreste why not pass them through Sunshine Boy?"

She was stunned by the glare she got from half of her class, but Alya couldn't understand why, she had asked questions, no?

"Really Alya?" the hate in the designer's eyes was evident, it was almost like the first time. Their friendship was only holding by a thread and now this thread was about to meet a pair of scissors. Marinette stepped closer to the wannabe journalist and looked right back at her, making Alya shiver.

"I think you got your story wrong, once again, Cesaire. Even if Adrien is my best friend, I will not use him to get through Gabriel, same thing goes with Chloe and Audrey. Oh right, but I don't have too, because they already know me and they ask to see my sketches every time I see them, which in Gabriel's case his once a week, at our 'design & model dinner' at the mansion. Just like we get to have a 'Chinese dinner & movie night' once a week at the bakery with Adrien and my parents.

"With Audrey, I go for tea with her and Chloe, once a month to have her intake, mostly, on my accessories and of course they are both just a phone call away, when needed. Oh! I'm forgetting Uncle Jagged, Juleka should know about it, right? She his daughter after all. He still comes to me for his album covers and his touring outfits."

The class was stunned, they were not used to have Marinette respond to insults or even react to them, but it was clear that she would not let herself be brought down anymore.

"You're just jealous of me and you want to get Adrien away from me. You want him just for yourself, because you know that if I'm around he would leave you and break your heart." Lila was screaming and trying once again so hide her anger with her fake sobs.

"Why would he brake her heart and be with you, if he's in love with Marinette? Aren't they already a couple" asked Kim, who was more confused than usual.

"And why would she stole Lila's designs if hers are already known worldwide?" asked Adrien, before bursting of laughter with Marinette and Chloe, leaving the rest of the people in the classroom rally confused. Lila was fuming and trying to restrain herself from screaming and jumping on the girl in front of the room. After a couple of minutes, Marinette was able to take a breather, she had a lot to say, but she decided to stay in the fashion side of the story.

"For the last two years, Audrey and Gabriel present two of my outfits and include them in their lines. If you really knew anything about fashion Rossi, you would have heard of MDC. But it's clear from where I'm standing that the only thing you know how to do is shake your butt and show your boobs to the cameras." Adrien took her hand to lead her out of the classroom, they will not be staying today, he texted Nathalie the moment they stepped in the hallway and they went to find Andre, the Ice Cream maker.

* * *

The Akuma class was in chaos and Mlle Bustier, just didn't have the energy to deal with it and dismissed her group until the next hour. She loved her students, but it was time for them to leave the Lycee and move on with their life, wherever it was and she needed a drink.

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